View Full Version : high blood pressure

miss diagnosis
10-12-08, 19:08

ive just been at my doctor (who i dont like normal doc on maternity leave)
I went to get a new pill cos my other one doesnt agree with me.

anyway she said my blood pressure was too high and i couldnt have it and then she said i have to go back tommorow and if its not down ive to to go for a 24 hour blood pressure monitor.

now say something like that to someone with HA and what happens?! blood pressure goes up even more.im totally freaked now. Please help.

10-12-08, 20:44
Please don't panic - I'm sure your blood pressure is fine. Did she only take it once? I was on HRT earlier this year and I went to see the nurse for another prescription and she took my blood pressure and I have never had high blood pressure even in pregnancy and it was high.:ohmy: She didn't tell me exactly what it was but she said it was way too high and asked me if I was anxious or anything which I wasn't - I was as cool as a cucumber.:ohmy: She waited a minute and then took it again and it was absolutely fine.:huh:

miss diagnosis
10-12-08, 21:04
yeah she took it twice. i dont like her. she freaks me out.im getting a home machine to measure it.

Cathy V
10-12-08, 21:08
You didnt give us the reading so we can tell you if its high or not...did she give you the reading at all?

miss diagnosis
12-12-08, 10:35
i went back yesterday after measuring my bp every hour in work. the highest it went up to was 135/85!

at doc last night it shot up but when she made me lie down i sang in my head and it was fine and she let me go! hurrah!

12-12-08, 11:54
Hi Miss

It sounds like anxiety is bringing your BP up. And to be honest 135/85 dosnt seem too bad. I wouldnt worry about that. I took my BP last week and on more than one occasion it was 154/110 !:ohmy: I actually knew the readings where going to be high though because i felt stressed. This week its been 125/75:) . Its amazing what flipping anxiety can do isnt it?

Glad all is ok now hun.
:hugs: :hugs:

12-12-08, 13:19
the bottom reading is the important one and /85 isnt really all that high. im not sure why she is making such a fuss tbh!
Im glad the reading was fine when she redid it. my blood pressure goes through the roof at the doctors as well!

14-12-08, 22:31
Amazing what stress and anxiety does....i had mine done last week and it was 140/70 and nurse said ooohhhh thats a wee bit high so for rest of the evening i totally got myself into a panic until my mate told me that it was the bottom number that mattered more and that it was fine.


15-12-08, 09:59

Please stop panicking about your BP- 135/85 is perfect & i would be very happy with a BP like that. I am not quite sure what your baseline (normal) BP is so & that is what you have to look at- whether it is normal for you. However like i have said that reading is fine.

If you are concerned about your blood pressure, quit salt & exercise as much as possible. The worse thing you can do is keep taking it, it will make you obsessed & will only make your BP worse xxx

15-12-08, 12:03
Hi I left a tread on 2 weeks ago. I am diabetic and my blood pressure was 140/100 and that was raised. had it took at work and it had lowered. WENT BACK TO DRS AND IT WAS 130/100 AND HE PUT ME ON BLOOD PRESSURE TABLETS.wENT LAST WEEK AND NURSE TOLD ME IT WAS 120/88.Felt chilled about it now but you could have a condition which is called something like ?????? coated hypertension which basically means your blood pressure is raised when you go to the drs.If you havent liked the dr and were anixios before you have gone, its bound to be up!

Take care!!

15-12-08, 16:00

i had my bp taken every week for 2 months and the lowest it got down to was 185 over 90 very high, i take bp meds and it took me ages to get one down my neck considering im the side effect queen! its now 140 over 75 and my gp is happy with that reading and told me not to worry and have it done again in a year.(wont wait that long!)
so im quite okay with taking the meds for up to the next year.
dont take it at home, oh my i bought a wrist cuff and it got higher and the more i saw the reading the more i got hyped up!!! just my opinion.
hope your okay
