View Full Version : Green normal with a cold?

10-12-08, 20:51
Sorry tmi, lol!

I saw the GP yesterday because I have had a cold 2 weeks but now the mucus is green, I am congested mainly on my left side, i had some sinus pain in left cheek the other day, GP said I do have sinusitis, not severe and he said anti bs do not really help sinusitis so he said to just rest, drink plenty, steam and use my spray and it should clear on its own. He thinks I have now caught the kids flu type virus on top of the cold I had so thats why I am feeling so bad, I had a fever for 2 days but today its been ok but I just have an awful ache over left nostril, left side of jaw throbs when i open my mouth and green from nose, is this normal with a cold?

I hope it goes soon, I am not sure how much longer I can carry on feeling like this, I have 3 young children to look after and I feel terrible:weep:

10-12-08, 20:56
Yes I would say it's perfectly normal to get green mucus with a very bad cold or flu. Maybe you might need some antibiotics to clear it up.:unsure: Does your doctor know about the mucus being green?
Hope you are feeling better soon - it's hard being ill with young children.

10-12-08, 21:01
Hi Jan,

Yes I told the GP its green, told him how bad I was feeling, I had a nosebleed yesterday and he said thats because of the infection.

Today I feel worse than ever, my left nostil wants to explode im sure. Its been 2 weeks and I am getting no relief from steaming or my spray.

10-12-08, 21:57

have you had your sputum send for culture and sensitivity as this could show what bacteria you have and which antibiotics is best for you. Green is usually bacterial rather than viral.. I would ask the GP for a sputum sample.


10-12-08, 21:59

I think I will see how I am in the morning, maybe ring him to see what he thinks, I just feel so rough and I can't carry on feeling like this.

He didn't mention doing a sample?

10-12-08, 22:09

I think I will see how I am in the morning, maybe ring him to see what he thinks, I just feel so rough and I can't carry on feeling like this.

He didn't mention doing a sample?
easiest things to do...

1. no fizzy drinks..nothing cold...
2. hot water, tea etc are good...
3. if you have difficulty swallowing then use gargle with salt and warm water
4.eat more semi solid food and less meat at the moment
5. vitamins particularly c

and importantly gp as you are likely to need Abx,


10-12-08, 22:14
The GP though said not to bother going back because he said its just viral, maybe abit of a sinus infection there but it shall go on its own? he refused to give anti bs so I left feeling I had to do what he said, I only went yesterday so would feel daft going back again so soon?

I am taking my vitamins daily, drinking water, not eating much because apetite isnt great.. finding it hard to look after myself with 3 children who are still not 100% either.

10-12-08, 22:36
:hugs: Libby,

Sorrry to hear you are feeling so unwell, horrid isn't it.

My advice would be to take decongestant (ie. sudafed, provided you aren't taking meds for high blood pressure) with some ibuprofen and some paracetamol, keep on with the steam (oilbas oil maybe) and just eat as you fancy! They say feed a cold starve a fever so try to rest as you can x

I hope you feel better soon:bighug1:

10-12-08, 22:39
Thanks, so you wouldn't bother the GP again? he said he wouldn't take anti bs, he would ride it out as it would be the better option.

He told me not to take anymore sudafed as id taken it for 6 days. I shall try and eat more, my apetite is poor though since having this

Thanks very much x

10-12-08, 22:44
Hi Libby. I've had plenty of colds with plenty of green mucus--there's a reason that cartoon snot is green and not clear, lol. (Sorry to be gross). I seriously wouldn't worry.:hugs:

10-12-08, 22:45

Lots seem to be suffering with sinus probs atm, if your gp is reluctant to give you anti Bs then i would stick to the sudafed, defo take an anti inflammatory (if you are able to take them) and as for appetite if your not hungry then don't worry too much so long as you are drinking plenty. Go for soups and high energy drinks to keep u going but don't go for big meals. Keep shoving head under a towel over boiling water with some menthol crystals or just steam and the paracet. for fever :shades: or try a sudafed or otrivine nasal spray but personally i prefer tablets rather than sticking things up nose :winks:

10-12-08, 22:54
Thanks, I shall see how i go over the next day or 2 then, hopefully the green will start to clear, I feel so rotten.

I have blood in my snot (sorry) at times and my left nostril hurts at the very top, its raw and really is painful when i blow my nose?? its the nostril where the mucus has mainly been in.

10-12-08, 22:54

I am not here to tell you what to do.. I'm sure your GP knows what he is doing ...what I am telling you is if you have green sputum it is more likely to be bacterial than viral...can i ask you something??... You started with a cold..this has gone on for atleast 2 weeks... Now you've started to develop green phlegm...these are usual indication that it's a developing bronchitis...do as your GP said but if you start to develop wheezing, shortness of breath, green sputum getting darker. appearance of yellow sputum etc... go to GP...ask for a sputum culture...

Most people start with a cold...and later develop bronchitis or pneumonia due to low immunity... or other factors... keep an eye..do all the stuff that's said...but if it gets worse...sorry if i were you i would wait till this sunday...


10-12-08, 23:01

The mucus is from my nose im not coughing so I dont think its bronchitis? I had bronchitis once last year and I was coughing for weeks then I had green mucus coming up. The GP chcked my chest yesterday and he said it was totally clear?

10-12-08, 23:08

The mucus is from my nose im not coughing so I dont think its bronchitis? I had bronchitis once last year and I was coughing for weeks then I had green mucus coming up. The GP chcked my chest yesterday and he said it was totally clear?

sorry.... kick me...:blush:

pardon me...i'm taking away what i said... i'm sure you'll get better sooon..

good night... i might need good sleep


10-12-08, 23:10

Thanks for replying though;-)

11-12-08, 08:18
hope things are slightly better, i know ive watched GP on telly saying that green is not necessarily bad, i think i would give it another few days and your GP should see you again. At the moment im with you, ive had bad headaches, pain in my nose and some blood, which to be frank freaks me out. I think if your not coughing your right and probably it is your sinuses and not bronchitis, i know when i have this and go to doc. I think your meant to keep away from dairy and meat products as these can stimulate mucus production.

hope things get better for you very soon


11-12-08, 14:01
I rung GP and she wanted to see me. She took one look at me and prescibed antibiotics, she said I should of had them sooner as I have a nasty sinus infection aswell as flu. I realise they do not work for viruses that is not the reason I went back to the GP, its the sinusitis thats dragging me down alot so hopefully they will kick in soon.

I am glad I went, I can't carry on with the sinusitis aswell as the flu. Why can't I ever get a simple cold or is sinusitis common with colds?

If one more person today tells me I look awful I think I will slap themhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif

Thanks again.