View Full Version : New worry wart

10-12-08, 22:57
Hello people,

I am a 35 year old female with a severe case of health anxiety and very negative thought patterns. Reading some of the other introductory posts is in one respect comforting (knowing that I'm not completely bonkers and there are other people out there feeling similar thoughts) but it also made me quite sad, as it seems that many people are affected by this debilitating condition.

Looking back over the last few years I think my health anxiety must have started in my early twenties - for what reason I'm not sure. Over the years it has peaked and troughed, but this year it has risen its head to a peak previously unknown and lately I have really had enough. I'm in tears most days thinking I've got some terminal disease or other.

I hope that by becoming a member of this site I can make small steps to trying to battle these terrible thoughts...and maybe support other people in the process. :)


10-12-08, 23:00
Hi Su and welcome to NMP.:hugs: I have only had health anxiety for the last 3 months or so where it's been one worry after another for me. I have had anxietys in the past about my health but only in short bouts - nothing has carried on as long as this.:weep:

10-12-08, 23:21
Hey Su,
I'm new here too and although my anxiety problems aren't related very much to my health I would love to try and help you in any way I can so if you want to message me to vent or even just to have a chat i'm online most nights! I'll be as supportive as I can...even though i'm 18 :D

Hope to see ya around

11-12-08, 10:39
Hi Worry_Head,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx:bighug1:

11-12-08, 20:17
Hi Sue,

Know exactly how you feel, but this is a great site with great people.

I suffered similar about 18 months ago and it has gradually got better, but always seem to have something else to worry about!

It will get better and talking about it with like minded people will help


12-12-08, 00:02

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:D

12-12-08, 01:46
:welcome: to nmp...glad you've decided to join.

Im sure you will find the help and support you need here and you'll meet some lovely people here along the way.
Good luck...
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: