View Full Version : I Made It!!!!

10-12-08, 23:25
Hi everyone!

I made my dr's appointment today and I feel so good. Didn't have a panic attack but I felt anxious but I kept concentrating on my breathing and that helped...plus I had people sending up prayers for me today and I'm positive that had a lot to do with it.

I gave the dr an earful and told him I felt like a basket case lol

He's sending me to a therapist that will see me on a sliding scale basis (charge me according to income which is none of course because I can't work lol) I think that'll help me a lot and seeing a therapist will help me get disability. Honestly though, I would rather get better and go back to work.

Wanted to fill in those that cared enough to read my threads. Thank you so much! It's truly a blessing to have people that understand and care.

Take care xoxoxox


11-12-08, 01:04
well done!!:yesyes: you should be really proud of yourself thats a huge accomplishment!

11-12-08, 01:14
Hi Lacey

Brill brill brill, well done you I am soooooooo glad you made it. That sense of relief is amazing isn't it, much better than that horrible sense of failure when you don't manage something. You did really well. I hope you get your therapy soon and get on that road to recovery so that you can get back to work. All in good time no doubt.

You take care,


11-12-08, 03:20
aw ya I'm very happy to hear you got to the doctors, well done! x

11-12-08, 07:27
Well done!

That's a great achievement. You felt anxious, but went ahead anyway, and nothing happened! One day soon, that is how you will come to view everything.

Just keep chipping away at the fear. Ignore setbacks, and carry on. That's the way to beat this thing!

Hope the therapy helps. Let us know how you get on!

11-12-08, 09:43
Firstly Well Done :yesyes: You should be chuffed to bits that you stuck with it. This should give you the confidence to go in the future as you were fine this time around. Theropy has helped me alot and has helped me control the anxiety levels. I'm sure you will find it benificial too.

All the best


And again well done.

11-12-08, 11:00
Well done Lacey I new you would get there.

Carol x

11-12-08, 21:53
thank you everyone xoxoxox


12-12-08, 02:18
Well Done!!! We knew you could do it. xxx