View Full Version : worried about my health

11-12-08, 02:52
hey everyone, i am constantly worried about my health and worry about getting cancer and other illness which makes my panic attacks a whole lot worse. i am a smoker which has been helping my attacks but now id like to give up. i have decided to start from tomorrow but the problem is i have tried to give up many times, i did once give up for 3 years but my friend got me started again and since then i havent been able to quit sucsessfully. as i worry so much about my health it would seem the best thing to give up but im worried it'll affect my panic attacks badly. can anyone please give me some tips on quitting? thanks guys. xx

11-12-08, 03:27
well I haven't quit yet but I started cutting down. so I'm now on 5 cigarettes a day and hoping eventually I can stop altogether.
try nicorette maybe?
I found cutting down worked best for me,