View Full Version : Could this be anxiety?

11-12-08, 08:46
Hi everyone,
I was hoping you could give me some of your opinions on what I am going through.

One year ago after stressing my body out with a heavy exercise routine, I developed a sudden pressure feeling in my head. It's sorta behind my eyes and my forhead and sometimes feels like i'm wearing a hat. My vision is also a bit blurry and it's hard to be in shopping centres with bright lights. I'm otherwise healthy.
I have this feeling 24/7 and have had a lot tests. Dr's seem to think it's a headache condition - and some have also talked about anxiety. I've been pretty adament that it's not, but I do feel very anxious a lot of the time.
Can anxiety manifest like this constantly?
Have any of you experienced anything like this?
Thanks in advance.

11-12-08, 09:48
It does sound like it could be an anxiety problem. Check the symptoms page here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms It does list those symptoms that you have stated.

All the best


12-12-08, 07:33
Thanks Ken,
The more research I do around here, the more I see it fits in.

12-12-08, 11:39
Hi Dizzyboy, I get exactly the same as you, the headache, blurred vision and the lights in supermarkets make me feel so light headed, so I reckon it just good old anxiety. I have been to the opticians for a thorough overhaul and he cannot find anything wrong with my vision and I did ask him if it could be stress related and his answer was "Maybe, but we will never know", so that was helpful (lol). My sister in law, who is completely "normal" says she gets affected by the lights in supermarkets, and as I go shopping with her a lot of the time, it makes me feel a bit more confident. Hope this helps:)

13-12-08, 05:38
Thank you, it does make me feel better.
Hope you're doing well.