View Full Version : Why can't I believe??

11-12-08, 10:57
I have posted a few times this week about the funny vision problems I have been having. Neither opticians or doctors have found anything to concern them. When I had the same thing 8 months ago, it was the same.

So, why don't I believe them? Why do I keep googling symptoms and homing in on the tragic stories of people with brain tumors? Why do I feel so doom and gloom? Every day, I start positively and then it all goes down hill!!

I am so obsessed with this that I don't know what is a real ailment and what is in my head!! My temple aches today and all underneath my eye socket and I feel so tired!! What is this????

11-12-08, 11:15
I understand how you feel completely....BUT you must try and remember that serious complaints, especially neuro-type illness, does not stay hidden. There are "red-flags" that can be raised from certain symptoms when the Dr or optician takes the history from you. Also on examination anything sinister will show up enough for them to refer you on. If they can find nothing wrong-you must try and trust them.
Remember......it is more than their job is worth to "ignore" a problem they may have found on you...it's difficult but try and take your mind off it...and stop Googling!:hugs: