View Full Version : Hello everyone

11-12-08, 11:20
Hi there

I am new to this site, I came across it last night when I was searching for information on Citalopram which my doctor has just prescribed me. I was made redundant back in October and my husband walked out on me 3 days before our 8th wedding anniversary. He said that his head is messed up and he needs time to get straight again. I feel as though my whole life has crashed and burned and I feel so lonely and empty. I went to the doctors to explain the situation and she has prescribed Citalopram 20mgs. I took one yesterday and after an hour or so I was sick, had an upset stomach and my hands will not stop shaking. I am not sure if I should take another one today or try to manage without them.

Any suggestions about what to do would be appreciated. It just seems to me that the doctor was very hasty in handing out these tablets and from what I have read I am not too sure about the dosage prescribed either.

11-12-08, 12:39
Hi Infinity and welcome to NMP.:hugs:

I'm sorry to hear about you being made redundant and your husband walking out on you.:hugs: Mine walked out on me and my children nearly 14 years ago and it was the best thing he ever did. (although I was devastated at the time)

I have been on Citalopram(20mg) for just over a week now and my doctor advised me to just take 1/2 tablet for the first four days and I seem to have been okay on them so far.:) Maybe have a word with your doctor about just taking half a tablet whilst they get into your system.

11-12-08, 15:21
Hi Inifinity <waves>

I had the same feeling when I took my first 20mg citalopram tablet...it seems to be true that people that are affected by the meds that at the beginning its worse but I'm now on day 16 and the shaky hands and palpitations and sickness and gradually died down...and of course all meds affect people in different ways. Best thing if you are worried is to speak to your doc.

Welcome along...I'm sure you'll find the site as helpful as I have :)

Emms x

11-12-08, 15:36
Hi there, you sound like you have had a really rough time lately and you can identify the triggers for your low moods, unlike many who don't have any obvious triggers, this brings me to my next point, citalopram is an SSRI which addresses the levels of seratonin in the brain, this is what I take and I have been assiciated with the second type of low moods that I mentioned.
Some doctors are far too quick to dish out such medication and some are unfortunately driven by the pharmaceutical companies rather what is best for the individual.

I'm not saying it's wrong for you, just not necessarily correct, just because your doctor says so. I have been on and off anti-depressants since my teens and Im now in my thirties and I would say to start with 20mg is not a great idea, they come in 10mg also so this is better. The nausia and slight fuzziness may still be there, but it will calm down and be less with 10mg, maybe taking 10mg and I find it better each day at teatime, relaxation cds and speaking to a counselor would be a good combo, good luck, Steph x

12-12-08, 00:07

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:D

12-12-08, 01:40
:welcome: to nmp...glad you've decided to join.

Im sure you will find the help and support you need here and you'll meet some lovely people here along the way.
Good luck...