View Full Version : SO FED UP

11-12-08, 12:00
I apologise in advance for the long post, but I am at my wits end. I keep reading and reading other peoples stories in the hope I can find someone who is experiencing the exact same symptoms as me, so I can have some kind of reassurance that I don’t have a brain tumor or going mad or something. And it makes me feel so guilty as well thinking that no-one else has got exactly same symptoms, but I’m sure I’m just being paranoid. I thought I was getting better, but as it turns out I’m not and I am now struggling to cope with it all. This all started off about 6 months ago after suffering a lot of stress at the beginning of the year, I started having headaches everyday, then I also began having anxiety attacks, not very often tho. And now after a few visits to the hospital, loads of trips to the Doctors ( I should be getting my season ticket soon!!), had blood tests done, all the usual tests done, even had 3 hiv tests done!!! I have now been on Citolopram for 6 weeks and a couple of weeks ago I started to feel better. And now for the past coupla weeks I’ve got headaches daily again, but not the tension kind, these feel weird. I have had blocked or what feels like full ears for about 2 months now, but the doc says they are fine. I keep getting weird head zaps, head rushes (which last about 30 secs) and make me dizzy, every now and then during the day, but virtually all through the night, so I only get a full nights sleep when I have had a sleeping tablet. I also occasionly get sudden trembles deep within me, which make me feel like I am gonna suddenly die. I also get the trembles sometimes for no reason. Thing is, why am I still sick?? I mean I’m not stressed or anxious anymore, so surely this must be a real illness, what if the docs missing somat because they just put it all down to stress, and then its too late to treat me? I feel so so terrible and guilty for worrying and going on about my health so much when there are so many worse off than me. I am so so sorry for the long post I really needed to vent and having bad day, gosh I really needed someone to talk to, I can’t keep going to the Doc’s, but I can’t stand being like this anymore……………..:weep:

11-12-08, 12:31
[quote=MVP123;431833] head rushes (which last about 30 secs) and make me dizzy, every now and then during the day, but virtually all through the night, so I only get a full nights sleep when I have had a sleeping tablet. I also occasionly get sudden trembles deep within me, which make me feel like I am gonna suddenly die. I also get the trembles sometimes for no reason..

Hiya hun...i do understand how your feeling honestly. ive been getting the 'internal tremors/shakes' and dizzy spells (they feel like a sudden rush) for a few months now and it really spooked me at first...they made me feel really weak and scared because i didnt know what was happening to me....i dont like them , but, im growing more accustomed to them now as they are mostly due to my anxiety and peri-menopause. I know it can feel really scary when it happens, but try to distract yourself..thats what i have to do..i go and find something to do to take my mind off and it does go away.
I hope your feeling a little better and things start to look up for you.
Take care
xx:hugs: :hugs:

11-12-08, 13:55
I have also had the head rushes with the dizziness and just about every other symptom you can imagine. I was one of those that once I got used to one symptom another would come. I now dont fear any of them and they dont hang around. I still get the occassional head rush with dizziness but usually when I am tired or have been doing too much. I still have some trouble sleeping, but it is getting better. Take care.

11-12-08, 14:06

What a pity you are having symptoms again, especially since you were beginning to feel better after taking citolopram. I wonder if it could be a side effect; i am sure i have heard people say it can make you feel a bit more anxious to begin with, and the worst thing about ha is not really being able to work out if our symptoms are anxiety related or real. I think it would be a good idea to go back to your doctor and explain how you are feeling; i believe it will help put your mind at rest.:hugs:

11-12-08, 15:17
Hi there, I hope you'er feeling ok today, the first thing I want to say is that you shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed, you obviously have real concerns regarding your health and I'm sure the people on this including myself who have had or still have mental or physical health issues understand your anxiety.
It is ok me or anyone else saying it's probably nothing, but that won't stop you worrying, it is possible that it has something to do with the meds, depends on dosage, if you take unprescribed drugs or alchohol which can and do affect Citalopram and other ssri's even or just your own metabalism.
I think you should really insist that you see a specialist and maybe get a catscan, (it sound dramatic, but it may ease your mind)
Also you are perfectly entitled to change your doctor or see another one from that practice, insist that you want it checked out properly.
I wish I could help more, but I hope this gives you a few ideas, all the best and my best wishes are with you, Stephen x

12-12-08, 12:39
Hey MVP.

Let me just quote something from your post:

"Thing is, why am I still sick?? I mean I’m not stressed or anxious anymore"

Obviously I don't know you, but from reading your post I can categorically state that this line is not true.

I get all the symptoms you describe as a result of tension. Unfortunately, the only way to get them to go is to accept they are there, carry on and distract.

You've had all the tests, you're physically fine - you're just anxious.

Take it easy,


12-12-08, 13:52
Try and calm down and stop worrying about your head, it is fine. They are obviously not worried about it so neither should you.