View Full Version : Is alchohol more addictive when you are on Anti-Depressants?

11-12-08, 12:06
Hi - would just like to know what other people have found.

I've always loved a glass or two of wine but have found that when I am on anti depressants (this is my second stint) I find it really hard not to drink and to stop at one glass. I know some people with anxiety avoid alcohol but others drink. I know I shouldn't drink but I find it really hard not too at the moment. Does anyone else find this? It's not the Christmas thing either because I drink at home whether my husband is or not and having young kids we don't get out alot!!


11-12-08, 12:55

I have been terrified to drink on my anti-depressants as I have been told that they in increase the effects of the anti-depressants and the drink is it ok to have a couple of drinks as I am feeling really anti-social and would love a glass or two of rose just to be sociable

I notice as I am getting older I get horrendous hangovers too.



11-12-08, 13:01
[it may just be that your starting to feel better and therefore feel like another drink, i have never heard it making you addited to drink. i suffer with axiety and cant drink becasue it makes me more anxious. stick with it XX