View Full Version : Should i go to the doctor?

11-12-08, 12:35
I am worried that i have something wrong with me, its quite embarassing and i dont know whether i am just being silly or not.
Sometimes i am absolutely convinced and i decide to go to the doctor then i bottle out again. I have had tests and stuff done but none in relation to this.
I just think the doctor might get fed up if i keep going all the time saying that i could have differant things. Especially this, as i say its pretty embaressing. I went to the doc a few weeks back and i was gonna tell him but convinced myself in the waiting room that me would think i was crackers so i didn't bother.
Sorry to babble on, i just dont know how your meant to tell if its anxiety or if there is a real chance you could have something.
Thanks for any advice.

11-12-08, 12:43

You can go to the doctors as many times as you want. If you think you have something wrong with you, then its best to get it checked.

11-12-08, 12:54
if its embarrasing why not go to a lady doctor and then say that you have been meaning to come but felt to embarrassed. seriously you should always go to the docs and on a funny note i have a season permit just to go in lol i am always there look after number one thats what gps are there for whether itsspeaking to a terminally ill person or a complete hipochondriac thats what they are there for. i am a hypo and i will admit it and i go to docs all the time but i cant help it. dont worry get yourself there you will feel better when you do. you can pm me if you need to chat good luck XX