View Full Version : Hello Again

11-12-08, 13:00
Hello Everyone I feel like I havent visited the site in ages.For the last couple of months I have been dealing really well with my anxiety and have been enjoying going out and I even had a trip into town the other day on my own which is a big achievement for me. For the last couple of days at work some my work collagues have been recieving bad news My friend lost her mam then another girl's grandma died and the to top this all off one of the other girl's husband was rushed into hospital with chest pain and he is only 22 and he suffers from panic attacks. All this has really gotten to me because I have the old feelings back when is something going to happen to me I know it is silly but I think I am getting scared again and having those little feelings back when I used to want to go to bed and not get up. I dont want to start to worry again and cause a panic attack! I know that my cousellour has told me not to be scared and that I need to keep on with my positive thinking and I will be ok.Love Beckster xx