View Full Version : Flu and panic

11-12-08, 15:16
Here I am again!

I have been off work with flu since Tuesday, and have been looking after myself at home. Chesty cough is the worst, I haven't been at all panicky but for some reason out of the blue just now my left side is playing up and I don't feel like the skin I'm in is mine... say when I touch my face. I feel totally detached, I realise that this is a sign of panic but I just want it to go away. URGH!!
Being ill is bad enough but having to contend with stupid panic too is a nightmare, really feel like I'm having a stroke... what if I am!?

11-12-08, 21:08
Sorry to hear your sick, I know combined with having panic attacks it's no fun at all. I know when I get mucus in my throat or my nose is all stuffed up, it can lead me to thinking about not being able to catch my breath, so of course it's normal enough for you to worry about something like this.

Thing is, as long as nothing too bad happens, and you can go about your daily routine and get your mind on something else, you should be fine. Stressing yourself out or just simply thinking and "waiting" for when you expect your next attack might strike only makes it worse. I myself have never had that detached feeling, which I hear is normal, instead I get a tingling pins and needles type sensation from not being careful about my breathing, cause I dwell on it way too much.

My suggestion, up to you of course, is to get a nice cup of perferablly non caffeinated hot tea, and try to find a game which can serve as a substitute for such negative thoughts. Something maybe like Tripeaks. Card games are really good for this type of thing I've found for myself.

It's possible your nervous about being sick and it's making it worse, because you're worried about whether or not you'll be able to tell what's your "flu" or what symptom is merely the onset of a panic attack. Have to keep in mind too, when you are sick, you get alot of strange aches to begin with, which makes it even harder to tell :/

I do hope you recover from your flu quickly, remember to get plenty of rest and try to keep yourself warm, shivering I"ve found does bring about my bouts of panic and I've spoken to a few others the same way, and good luck with fighting off the panic. I've been through this every day mostly nonstop, so accepting it and then dealing with it will be my next goal. Isn't as easy as people think. And I'm glad this website is here for support. <3 Take care. I wish you well.