View Full Version : ?How are you healing yourself?

11-12-08, 15:38
Hello everyone, I am not sure if many remember me or not (seeing as how I didn't post too much), but I wanted to make a topic about this.

So how are you healing yourself?

There are many anxieties, phobias, etc. that affect some of us everyday and the numbers are increasing. So how do you help yourself each day.

One thing that has helped me majorly is doing QiGong. My tension headaches have definitely decreased in severity and the pressure feeling I had in my head has gone down a lot. I also, feel more calm and much happier instead of stressed, upset, and depressed. However, I do like to call my first week of meditation a "spiritual detox" in that I was very emotional and all those bottled up emotions from many years came out. Oddly enough, my unusual heartbeats don't really come anymore and my blood pressure has gone down a lot. I've definitely learned to slow down and enjoy each day as it comes instead of just mulling through it.

Once again I ask, how are you healing yourself? :) Feel free to add what has worked for you and lets offer encouragement to each other. :hugs:

~Twilight Flower

11-12-08, 17:50

For me there's always only ever been afew things I've needed to do, that is exercise, eat healthy and not to drink too much.

Whenever I stop one of these things I begin to feel ill.

I've recently started a new routine, I've also been writing things down to help.

The only thing I need to work on is to try and have a regular sleep pattern, I've always found sleep difficult. Things will work out, I just have to keep going and thinking positive.
:) xx