View Full Version : Something that might really help everyone!!!

11-12-08, 18:34
I had great anxiety for a few years when my mother was alive because I was caretaking for her and she was constantly falling or having bad reactions because of diabetes. It was a very tough time in my life and at the end I was a mess. My stomach was in knots and every little thing would make me anxious. After my mom passed I went to the Ann Wigmore institute in Puerto Rico where they specialize in the education of the raw food diet. I have now been raw for 4 months and the changes that have come have been great, especially with my anxiety which has almost all but disappeared. I think a lot of people would be shocked at how much your nutrition plays into your mood and your health. Raw foods is an extreme diet, but I swear by it and almost everyone I know who is into it has talked about their improved health.
If anything I would recommend that you might want to take a look at your diet and see what changes you can make - I think you'll see a difference almost immediatley. Ok - best wishes everyone.

11-12-08, 18:40
Thanks for that and I am pleased to hear that you are doing ok. I shall get some books out of the Library on the subject if a change of diet can help then im certainly up for it.


Cathy V
11-12-08, 18:50
Hi there, yes ive read in the past about the benefits of a raw food diet, and well done for getting through this in a positive way. Your recovery from anxiety could also be because you are no longer a carer, with all the stress you say you had with that. Now that you don't have that responsibility in your life the anxiety will be much less I guess.

Sorry for your loss by the way.

Take care
Cathy xxx