View Full Version : new member Rosie

12-12-08, 00:03
Hi everyone i finally have got connecte I guess you hvae to login afew times before you can respond or add anything.
So How many people have experienced irregular beats associated with Perimenopause

Cathy V
12-12-08, 01:08
Hi Rosie and welcome. You'll find quite a few of the ladies here have experience of these missed beats with hormone changes. Whether it be before menstruation or peri-menopause. You're not alone with this believe me.

Keep posting
Cathy xxx :welcome:

12-12-08, 01:27
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP

12-12-08, 01:44
:welcome: to nmp...glad you've decided to join.

Im sure you will find the help and support you need here and you'll meet some lovely people here along the way.
Good luck...

12-12-08, 02:21
Thanks to all who responded. I am so happy I found this site. I have been experiencing irregular heart beats for just over a month now. It is just so annoying. Also scary at times. It just seems to come on with no warning or sometimes all day. eating is often a trigger also alcohol... I am definately peri menopausal. Has anyone else who started this associated with Perimenopause got any tips or ideas on what can reduce these crazy beats?

Cathy V
12-12-08, 08:59
Yes alcohol can be a trigger, as can a full stomach (the connection here can be through the vagus nerve). The reason that you're feeling them more during the peri-menopause is that the body is producing more adrenaline because of a hormone imbalance. Perhaps have a chat to the doctor about HRT, or natural supplements. Magnesium is good, as is Vitamin B12.

12-12-08, 21:44
Hi Rosie

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:
