View Full Version : twitching, weakness, joint pain.

12-12-08, 00:23
hi, im new here, however i have been reading many of the posts here over the past month. i realize there are already alot of posts concerning this topic but i felt the need to post a personalized one with my specific symptoms.

about a month ago i developed a slight rhythmic twich in my upper right arm which moved to my right shoulderblade and then spread to the rest of my body within a period of three days. along with this i was shakey especially in my knees and hands. along with this i had many symptoms that corolate with anxiety and stress according to this website (i.e. dry mouth, dizziness, derealization, insomnia, palpitations, difficulty swallowing,and ringing in my ears, constant negative thoughts/worrying..among others..if not all listed). this comforted me as i had been convinced that i had ALS or a brain tumor. however this was only temporary.

i had been to my doctor who performed a physical, along with neuro./strentgth tests which i passed and said she thought it was benign. the lack of a definate diagnosis left me worrying more than ever. and a few days after visiting the doctor i started developing weakness in my right arm and hand (mainly in my little and ring finger) along with sling tingling/prickly feeling in the fingers. i now try and guage the strength of my arm by lifting an object and comparing how hard it was to lift to my left arm which i have not noticed any weakness in (since i'm right handed it should be easier with my right arm right?). i had joint pains and muscle pains that almost felt flu like but have since subsided.

the major anxiety symptoms have subsided (which only makes me worry more about it being ALS or MS, and the twitching has lessened, however i still experience weakness in the arm and muscle pain. my hand also shakes sometimes when im holding something.

i have not seen a neurologist yet but wish to sometime in the near future. it is extremely difficult to get in, or estremely expensive to see one immediately. i am not content with my doctors diagnosis, or lack there of and am still convinced i have ALS, MS, or a brain tumor.

P.S. sorry about the long post.

Cathy V
12-12-08, 01:22
Hi there, sorry you are feeling so let down by the doc. After reading your post however, i would say you were experiencing the symptoms of anxiety. I know you dont want to hear it...you want to know that you have something with a name, to enable you to cope better with it, because anxiety is too vague, but anxiety affects almost every part of your body, muscles, joints organs...everything. Muscle spasms and twitching are classic anx symptoms.

But seeing a neurologist can't hurt, well apart from the cost to you that is, and at least would set your mind at rest. I know what MS is, but can you tell me what ALS is? you surely can't mean Altzeimer's? How old are you by the way?

12-12-08, 01:53
:welcome: to nmp...glad you've decided to join.

Im sure you will find the help and support you need here and you'll meet some lovely people here along the way.
Good luck...
:hugs: :hugs:

13-12-08, 18:48
thanks for the support cathy v, i keep thinking its anxiety, but in the obsessive observation of my symptons ill always find something that brings me back to ALS/MS. ALS is a motor neuron disease that kills off motor neurons and degenerates nerves and muscle tissue. its a horrible disease from all ive read and heard.