View Full Version : Women only...cervical cauterization..Scared I am dying :(

12-12-08, 02:20
I had a cauterization of the cervix done, excatly 2 weeks ago today. I am scared that i am now dying. I never bled after having the procedure, but i had some water like smelly stuff come out. I have called the doctor 5 times now, and they insist that this is normal. So 2 days ago the water like stuff turns yellow, and now i am bleeding. My doctor gave me a perscription, without doing a swab, or tests. he never even examined me. I also have a huge phobia of taking medications, and of course he perscribed me 6 pills a day for 5 days!!!! I am so scared that i am sick, that i have a serious infection or something. i have been feeling sick to my stomach for the last 4 nights, and some light cramping. The bleeding part is really worrying me, but i am soooo scrared to take the meds. The side effects of the meds are bad too. The doctor said that they are really hard on the belly! I am freaking out here. Somedays i think i should be admitted to the hospital again :wacko: My best friend said to me today" girl i don't know how you live everyday like this! Im surprised your still alive" She said that because i call her everyday with something new to be scared i am dying of anyone else feelin like this :weep:

12-12-08, 07:54
I can't beleive that your doctor didn't examine you, but it does sound as if you have an infection - common enough, but you DO need to take your antibiotics. If you take them with food, the effect on your stomach shouldn't be too bad.

12-12-08, 08:13
Rebecca, I know how awful a cervical infection can be and when you are ill it compounds the fear of dying and everything else. It sound to me as if the doctor wants to get you treated asap for this infection and so hasn't wanted to wait for the results of swabs, but would rather get you started on something he is fairly convinced will work. DO take these tablets - if it's the ones I am thinking of, then don't drink any alcohol and take them with food. If you feel or are sick on them (it's not likely) then call your doctor and he can prescribe something for this too.

Within a few days you should feel a lot better and when you do, it might be time to start taking some control of the anxiety. I've been great for the last few months, but have started to slip back a little (mainly, I think, because I have been ill) but it is possible to get through all of this.

For once, there is something actually wrong - bite the bullet and take your medication and then worry about the worry afterwards. Good luck x

12-12-08, 08:19
You poor thing, you must be frantic, I agree with skippy that I think your doctor should have sent a swab off to be tested, and I also agree that you must take your antibiotics as it will clear the infection. If you do not take them the infection could get worse.

Is it possible to phone the hospital and tell them what is happening? They will give you some advice. Sorry that I can't say anything to ease your mind, but you must do as the doctor tells you. Post again and let us know how you get on. Lots of hugs:hugs:

12-12-08, 10:34
Yes do take the antibiotics because they are very important.:hugs: I had to take two different types of antibiotic together a few weeks ago and I was absolutely fine, no problems whatsoever.:hugs:

12-12-08, 21:49
hey listen i had exactly the same thing done 3 years ago, first it was watery then turned yellowy and they said i had an infection and i had to take antibiotics, its so common, i really wouldn't worry xxxx
pm me anytime xxx

12-12-08, 22:02
Hi Rebecca

Yes, as everyone said, sounds like an infection to me, although, I understand in your eyes, it will seem more serious.

Definately take the medication as this will clear it up. Some antibiotics can make you feel a bit rough.

Regarding thinking your dying I go through stages like this, moving from one deadly illness to the other.

Remember the doctor has messed around with you a bit, so that will aggrevate, make you sore and possibly bleed.

Try and relax

29-12-08, 02:40
thanks girls for your reply's!! I was an infection, and has seemed to clear up! Although now i am having some other issues. I'm still having some clear discharge, and also have some dull pains in my lower left side. It's really irritating my anxiety/panic cycle too. That's the worst of it all. I freak out. I just red a bunch of stuff on the net about cauterization, and HPV. I do have have HPV, but not the wart kind. But it is still so scary. i've had a a miscarriage , and i have a 4 year old, but i would like to have more kids, and i'm scared that this will complicate things. I'm scared of the HPV, how serious it is, and if i will always have to go see the Gyn every 6 mth:( I just wish i could make it all go away