View Full Version : How do you stop the dizziness and head fullness?

12-12-08, 03:37
I know that dizziness and headaches etc are symptoms of HA but how do you stop them? I have really bad sinus problems but I'm having a lot of dizziness and headaches along with it. My scalp is sore to touch and it's scary but I try stop worrying. I'm currently waiting on a CT scan and hopefully I will get treated after that but as for the HA symptoms how do you stop them? I can't seem to do anything any more cus I'm just so worn out from my symptoms. Please help. My life is going to s**t!

12-12-08, 08:34
Hi panic, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad, I know what it feels like as I have been this way for weeks with sinus, throat and ears all playing up and with sore head and neck thrown in for good measure and I am absolutely fed up with feeling poorly. I wish there was an easy solution but I can't help you there, but just wanted to let you know you are not the only one. Are you having the scan for your sinuses? At least you will get some sort of peace when you have had that done. It is so tiring battling on from day to day with no let up of the symptoms. I am pretty sure the head soreness is just from frayed nerves, everything gets so tensed up in the head and neck area and this causes the tenderness. Last night when I put my head on the pillow my head was so sore at the back that I had to change position. Hope you get on OK with the scan - do let us know.

13-12-08, 02:12
Yeah the scan is for the sinuses. Some days are better than others and I'm not too bad today but I just wanted to know what can help the crappyness feeling. Like are there any meds? Or should I be doing anything to help?

13-12-08, 11:21
Try beconase & steaming regularly hun overtime it decongests & loosens things xxx