View Full Version : Waking Up

Badly Drawn Boy
12-12-08, 08:43
Since suffering from major anxiety I've found it so hard to wake up in the morning, I used to wake up most mornings feeling really refreshed and happy. Now it's a struggle to get out of bed and go to work.

I'm on week two of my Citalopram 10mg dosage. Is this a common feeling when being on the medication? I'm calling in sick at work a lot lately, and I hate letting them down.

12-12-08, 11:28
It really takes a big effort for me to get up in the morning since I increased my dose of anti-depressants and also the cold very dark mornings make it even worse. I just make myself get up at the same time each morning (7.30) even if I am not going out. I find that when I have had a shower this wakes me up a lot. You just have to be a bit strict with yourself.

It would be so easy for me just to stay under the duvet.

Diane O'Brien
12-12-08, 12:06

I can totally relate to you. The mornings for me are the worst time of the day. I,m currently on 20 mgs Citalopram. Thats when I feel the most dread and doom. What I tend to do is try not to dwell on it. I try to get out of bed as soon as possible (I find lieing in bed excaberates the problem and thoughts. I try and keep busy, I have a shower, eat breakfast and coffee (caffeinated I know its not great advice.) Within an hour or so I start to feel less anxious and feel a bit more positive, I guess wat I,m trying to say is keep busy and dont think to much about the day before u properly get up.

Take Care, let us know how u get on.