View Full Version : dizzy, sick, shaky, agitated, restless, ARGH!

12-12-08, 09:40
Hi everyone,
I really hate to moan but I seem to be going through a really tough time and am starting to struggle a bit. I keep feeling sick when I eat, I have horrible dizzy spells where I feel like I will suddenly pass out and I hav to grab onto something, i'm shaky, I get wheezey when i've been walking, even if it's not particularly fast. I'm terrified to be honest. I've suffered from this sort of thing since I was 19 (i'm not 27)- with varying degrees on and off. I've been on tablets a few times too but haven't been on any now for over a year. The doctor prescribed me some more a couple of months ago but so far i've decided not to take them, but i'm struggling now. I'm scared that it isn't anxiety too. I drink a fair amount of alcohol and am terrified that i've done some real damage- I had my liver function tests done- it showed that my ALT was slightly high at 44. The doctor said this may not be significant but she also said that those tests may not show the full extent of damage. I had the test repeated and it was the same. I was told that it was OK but i'm terrified that it may not be.
I just feel so frustrated at the minute with everything. Nothing seems good at the moment- jobwise etc and I feel really low.
I don't know what I expect from sharing this but I don't like to bother people with it at all- I know a lot of people find it hard to understand.

Em x

12-12-08, 11:14
HI Emma, you are not moaning, you are fed up and frightened and most of us here know what that feels like, and I think a little TLC is needed and some reassurance. It is not nice feeling nauseous, I hate it when I get it as I have to force myself to eat as it only adds to the problem if we don't eat; it will pass once you get a hold of the anxiety. Everything you are experiencing at the moment is anxiety induced. I would suggest that as you have the tablets to take them, if only to give your system a rest for a few months.I hate the dizziness above all the other symptoms and its the first thing I check when I wake in the morning - if I feel dizzy then, I know it will probably last all day and spoil my day, but the logic of it is, it is only ME that is making ME dizzy by putting too much thought on the matter.

You are certainly not on your own today with your symptoms and I am sending TLC and understanding to you and hope that you will feel a bit better by knowing that you are not the only one.