View Full Version : Man Flu???????

12-12-08, 11:56
Maybe i am being a bit think here, but can any one tell me what is this Man flu that is going around is. The amount of people i have heard that say they are coming down with Man Flu. (both men and women). or have had it.

So what is it??????????????

12-12-08, 12:05
I have no idea but i always assumed man flu was a cold that men like to say is proper flu (not just a cold) - maybe it means this!or not lol i dont know I hope it doesnt come to my house for xmas!


12-12-08, 12:09
LMAO They call it 'man flu' because men moan and groan more when they have the flu and think their illness is way worse than anyone elses. It's just a figure of speach hun and just means normal flu.

Love Lisa

12-12-08, 12:12
Hi there

Not sure if its man flu or not but my hubby and daughter just had a flu like bug.
Cold, sore throat, awful coughing and generaly feeling rough:ohmy: . Its the first time in years i have known my husband have a day off work for feeling so ill so he must have felt rotten !

Hope i dont get it:ohmy: !


12-12-08, 12:15
Lol yeah bottleblond is right. My bf is like that all the time he catches a cold and all of a sudden hes dying.

12-12-08, 12:27
hehehe my hubby gets this quite a bit, this usually is a little cold for most of us ladies but for lots of men (not all) including my hubby they seem to think its the worst flu ever, so i always say he got man flu. lol

12-12-08, 12:50
a vey sexist term,if us men generalised about women in the same way we would have our bottoms spanked by germaine greer,equality goes both ways !:lac:

12-12-08, 13:58
:roflmao: :roflmao: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/Marge-011.gif :yahoo: :yahoo: yeah Lisa summed it up perfectly, its just cos men go over the top being overdramatic when ill so instead of a normal cold they have flu! (of course this is very judgemental and i'm sure the men on this site don't do that :winks: :winks: well not all of them!)


12-12-08, 14:24
This whole thread gave me my first laugh of the day...thanks everyone lol

Perhaps the technical name for the flu has "man" in it so it's been shortened? I dunno! Think I'll look it up though because now I want to know lol


still giggling :D

12-12-08, 14:26

Ohh my husband had the "Very very grumpy man flu!".

I did laugh though he told me to buy some stepsils when i went shopping they where £4.95 a packet !! so i got him some lockets at 50p.lol. I told him the shop had sold out:blush: .

I said to the shop keeper i wasnt paying that price for him,now if they had been for me i would have bought them !! im awful aint i.


12-12-08, 14:27
haha this made me laugh too and so many of my friends tell me there men get this too lol

12-12-08, 14:29
Perhaps the technical name for the flu has "man" in it so it's been shortened? I dunno! Think I'll look it up though because now I want to know lol


still giggling :D [/quote]

Update: everything I found in search engines has to do with men being babies about this particular strain of flu (sorry fellas!)
This is the funniest thing I've heard in over a week aside from an article I read the other day about a HERD OF GOATS that was wrongly convicted for selling themselves in some country LOL I'm still laughing over THAT one :roflmao:

13-12-08, 00:14

I was reading these posts with the biggest smirk on my face (sorry Ade) but then when I saw Marge Simpson laughing it set me off too. I think it is a bit of cold sin't it? he he he he.


14-12-08, 18:57
Yea yea okay I'll put my hands up - I'm the first to say I've got flu as soon as I sneeze.
Mind you I always seem to get flu when there's a lot of sport on the telly,bit of a joke between me and 'er indoors,lol - she's a good'n and just plays along with it.
