View Full Version : I'm Annoyed

12-12-08, 18:16
This morning I felt great...even got to fool around with hubby a bit :yesyes:
AND then a bit later when I started doing dishes I started feeling horrible! Started tilting to the side again and my nose, ears and whole head is feeling weird. My arms feel floaty, too. I feel outside myself. I can feel the anxiety making my stomach clench up and I've been fighting it ever since. I've sat down and breathed and used my calm oil and it helped for a bit and darn if it isn't coming back again. I really don't want to take a valium but I think I'm going to have to.

Why would this hit me out of the blue like this? It was a great morning. This happens often and it annoys me to no end. Can anxiety/panic just hit for no apparent reason? If so, why? The only thing I can think of is our dogs... we have quite a few and when they get playful and jump all over the place it's sometimes overwhelming. I'm thinking that too much sensory input can start anxiety? Like watching the dogs jump all over the place or sometimes when I'm watching a show on our big screen tv it throws me off and makes me feel nervous. Weird stuff.

I'm basically venting is all and curious what others think.

Also, the negative posts I've been reading today from a couple of people have got me annoyed. I love this forum and to see people put it down (even though they're saying they're not) is bugging me.

I feel like cussing lol


12-12-08, 18:22
If you have something to say just say it.
One of the things I get with my DP is a really foggy head and I can't sometimes put across what I mean in text very well or even sometimes in person. Sometimes at work I trip over my own tongue and stuff.
If you have no sympathy of that , and it sounds like you don't believe me, then :shrug:

I was about to say, one thing I have found is that even when you are feeling better you can have setback days or patches where you feel worse than ever, it's kind of a one step forward two back thing.

And the stomach thing, I find also that anxiety really affects my stomach, especially at night.

But sod it don't know if I should bother :huh:

12-12-08, 18:34
I get that sometimes I will be quite happy doing something and then suddenly I will feel horrible and even if i continue what i am doing it is no fun anymore all i can think about it just how awful I feel!. I am the same with noise etc I am more likely to feel like this when the house in chaos but I suppose that is just adding extra stress to the underlying stress so pushes me over the edge if you see what I mean?
I thin kmy mibd has to make sure I feel rubbish a certain amount of the day lol

13-12-08, 19:47
Hey, Sophie!

Thank you for responding...it made me feel better :D

Take care,
