View Full Version : Why do I feel like this???

12-12-08, 18:54
Hi All, I have suffered from health anxiety for the past two years. I've been to the docs at hospital over 15 times in the last 2 years and I'm constantly thinking I have cancer....I don't know why....no one in my family has died from it but I always have nightmares about either me or a family member dying from it....I have an identical twin and she's not like this...My mum is a constant worrier and I think I follow in her footsteps...She always thinks the worst and so do I.... It all started 2 years ago when I thought I had bowel cancer......Had to have a colonoscopy which wasn't too bad as it goes...The prep was the worst bit....Turns out the docs didn't find anything. He said I probably had a anal fissure and it had cleared up but I'm not totally convinced there was blood...It could have been just undigested food.... Have been completely fine since last July (Of course have been back to the docs over 10 times since due to other symptoms - all of which were either in my head or minor) Spent a week in Dubai and Singapore in October and since then my tummy hasn't been right...I had constipation on and off and when I do I find myself in pain when passing the BM. I've looked a few times and think there's blood again.....My anus is also really itchy...I've googled (yes I know) and it came up with anal cancer so I'm so scared again.... I've looked up the incidents of anal cancer in the UK...Roughly 1000 a year which isn't alot when theres more then 60 million of us...I'm only 27 too also no cancer in the family but I still thinking the worst.... Could cancer grow since my last colonoscopy or could I be dealing with another fissure? I've tried to have a look but can't see anything... Cheers Ems

12-12-08, 19:29
ok dont take this the wrong way but could it be worms? that would make you itchy etc? esp since you have been away?

i know it went round my kdis nursery a while ago and those seemd to be the symptoms. I doubt it is cancer though :)


could it be heamorroids (sorry dont know how to spell this) I have these sometimes and again symptoms could be similar?

why dont you ask you doctor about it again to put your mind at rest?


12-12-08, 20:21
Yeah I thought of Worms to start off with but it doesn't seem to be everyday just probably every other day...The itching was my first symptom...which has been going on for the past 2 months....I also thought about thrush as I have suffered recurring vaginal thrush and wondered if being in the 40 degree heat could have caused it to spread to my anus....Then came the occasional constipation and the pain of passing the movement....There's no blood or pain when the BM is smaller just when I'm constipated but this itch is so frustrating... Thanks for your time, Ems