View Full Version : Inconsiderate, nasty boss :(

12-12-08, 20:00
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone's been in the same situation as I am now at the moment.

I have en extremely difficult boss at the company at my work. In my view, he's one of these nightmare bosses that people talk about, and if anyone's ever watched The Office, he makes David Brent look like a good boss, and I'm serious!

The cause of my problem is my boss doesn't understand about anxiety/panic attacks, and that I'm sure they're caused by my very early start and long commute. I've tried explaining it, but he brushes it aside as if it's because I don't like going to work. The problems began when the office relocated to somewhere which is taking me 2 hours each way to get to every day, and I gradually started feelining more anxious. I tried taking driving lessons but couldn't handle the stress of jams etc.

3 months ago I hit a low and fell seriously ill from anxiety, I was constantly not going to work or turning up late because I was feeling sick and having PAs constantly, and after sending him a very strongly worded and emotional e-mail mentioning I should go on long term sick leave, he agreed that I could work from home for 1 day a week and have a 'review' after 3 months. I was seeing the Dr on a regular basis and have been on fluoxetine for that time. I'm also very underweight- blood tests are normal, which is a concern.

This week the review took place and I hadn't felt so angry or upset in a long time. I was faced with very unsubtle, insulting remarks like I should move house to the same town as where I work (Impossible- and I don't know anyone), it's 'unfair on everyone else' (but they drive and live much closer!), 'it's in the contract that if the company moves you're responsible for the arrangements' and that it's not his problem, it's mine. I work extremely hard for this company and to hear comments like that is really depressing :weep:

He's demanding to see a note from the doctor as he doesn't believe me , which I will provide. On a good note, I've spoken to a very sympathetic employment adviser who has said that it may be illegal for him to discriminate in this way. She's having a meeting with him soon- and surprise, surprise, he's bringing a legal expert with him. I'm now feeling down and pent-up, but my friends are a good support.

Does anyone know of any employers like this? I hope there are others around! Thanks for reading :)

Badly Drawn Boy
12-12-08, 20:10
He sounds awful, sorry to hear this.

I've had a few days off from work over the last two weeks due to starting new meds which are making me feel run down, and when I go back to work I get dirty looks and get treated like rubbish.
So I'm pretty sure you're not the only one getting grief over this.
How old are you? and what kind of company is it?

Definitely get a note from doctor and wave it in your bosses face and smile!

12-12-08, 20:22
aw sorry to hear you are having such a hard time, some people are so mean, that's why I only tell people I trust about my anxiety.
stupid question: can you change jobs or go on disability benefit?

12-12-08, 20:34
Thanks for the replies :) ^^

I'm 23, and my job involves mobile phones and computers...sorry to be so vague! :whistles: Badly Drawn Boy, sorry to hear about that and it's just the same with me. People think it's a 'sicky' and I had to keep making excuses like late trains, etc. mishel: I could but my work is a bit specialised and it's not easy to find a new job, but I will keep trying ;)

The annoying thing is I can work from home easily as I have the right software, and have sucessfully done it on a number of occasions. It's not much to ask for to do this 1 day a week? Also, I was almost feeling better before this meeting- and it's brought me down again! Grrrrr..

Thanks for the support guys :hugs: