View Full Version : Anyone been on Cipro?

12-12-08, 22:05
Hi all, just a quick question. My doc put me on Cipro for a week a couple of months ago for an infection which thankfully cleared up. But ever since ive been having some annoying symptoms.

One thing I have really noticed is my anxiety has been sky high since coming off them although it is gradually reducing now. Also, I have been having neck and ear pain and twitches at random times of the day which, when mixed with anxiety has lead me to a delightful variety of catastrophic conclusions.

Has anyone else had any strange side effects with Cipro, I just think it's a coincidence this latest batch of symptoms started pretty much as soon as I was given the drug.

12-12-08, 22:07
Sorry Worryguy,

Cant help you with this one, but thought I'd say, hope all is well soon and that someone will be able to answer you.

12-12-08, 22:16
I have never had medication but have the exact same symptoms as you just described.

Cathy V
12-12-08, 22:20
Hi there. Cipro (ciprofloxacin) is an antibiotic as you say, and there are some side effects from it in sensitive people, just like there can be with most of the others, but havent heard that heightened anxiety is one of them to be honest. Nor the ear pain etc that you are now getting. But everyone is different with meds of course. Antibiotics dont normally act on the body like a tranquilser, so heightened anx after stopping them is unusual. Could the anx be a coincidence? did you suffer with it before at all?

13-12-08, 00:02
Thanks for the replies all

Yeah I did suffer from anxiety a bit but really thought I was getting over it and then Cipro came along and it has got a whole lot worse.

I just read it has a "black box warning" in the states which means it has been known to cause severe side effects, yet they still dish it out like sweets here. Just thinking back it seems so odd that all this started with Cipro, and even though ive long discontinued its use I still have weird symptoms.

I also found another site about it's side effects and it seems there are 100's of people who have suffered badly with this drug.

16-12-08, 18:00
Cipro was the worst, it caused me to have two weeks of severe anxiety, panic attacks, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, lack of sleep, muscle pain, joint pain, and muscle twitches...