View Full Version : Mouth problems

13-12-08, 01:09
Hi all, havent been on for a while, dont take offense but tried to stay away as I read something and can worry about it like most of us.

A year or more ago my dentist said thet I had white gums where teeth had been removed, it can be the sign of cancer so she saw me every 6 months, obviously this scared me to death but 2 6 monthly checks it was no worse, she said it was reversable, I smoke and she said giving up drink and smoking would help, ive cut smoking down by half at least, [5-10 a day max]

Ive had a really bad cold recently and since then [2 weeks ago] ive had a pain in my neck going into my ear and im convinced its due to the mouth thing and I have cancer and its driving me mad, ive also got constant alcers that ive never had before, as soon as one goes i get another but thy all only last a day or 2. should I worry??

13-12-08, 02:43
Hi, Eljay!

I have a couple of questions for you...do you drink liquid that has a high acid content like soda, etc.? If you are and you're not drinking enough water that can cause ulcers (I call them cold sores). Even eating things to high in sodium can cause them. I've had cold sores that have made my ear and jaw hurt terribly. I would see your dentist again just in case but I'm sure everything is fine :D

Take care,


14-12-08, 11:53
Hi Eljay,

If you have had a cold recently and have pains going from your neck to ear it could be because you have a bit of fluid trapped in your Eustachian tube http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eustachian_tube.

I'm no expert at all but I have a lot of problems with it. If I get a cold I often have pains in my neck/ear/throat because it doesn't drain properly.

Jo xx