View Full Version : Sleepwalking? Hallucinating?

13-12-08, 07:10
I've just had a terrible experience, I was in my school library one minute using the internet, then the next I know I'm halfway walking home... I think I said some weird stuff to the security guard on my way out, it's really distressing to even think about...

Why did this happen? Is it going to happen again??

I'm scared of sleeping now....

13-12-08, 08:15
Do you have a mental health help line? ring them asap tell them what has happend. Or go and see your family doctor, who will probably refer you for tests, or even refer you to psychiatrist, no one on this forum, unless they were a psychiatrist or doctor, can possibly know why this happend and if it will happen again. You need to get yourself seen by a medical practitioner.