View Full Version : Self Esteem Question

13-12-08, 15:09
After years of suffering with anxiety and social situations, I found out on Monday that my issues stem and continue with very low self esteem. I knew I wasn't confident, but niavely thought, self esteem and confidence where the same things.

I have read the low self esteempage, which is very good, but does any one know more about low self esteem and how to self help yourself with it.

Does low self esteem, really cause all this health anxiety problems aswell, because if so, im willing to try anything to higher my esteem.

Thanks all for your help

Emma xx

Hope 2
13-12-08, 17:55
Hi Emma

I don't have any advice but I can relate to your problem.

I think lack of self esteem is at the root of my problems but I have never found any answers. After seeking advice on here though yesterday, I am a little nearer with the whole thing. I think ! Have you had any counselling ?

Im sure someone will have loads of advice soon.


13-12-08, 17:58
Hi Julia,

I have done a CBT course, so have the fundamentals for that. Now its a case of turning the negative thoughts around and realising, im not as bad, as i think, people think i am. Its the health anxieties, that really get me down, as i know they are irrational...

Hope 2
13-12-08, 18:19
Hi Emma

Hmmmm yeah it's those good old warped/jangled/totally nuts thoughts that ruin your life.

I had (positive there!) severe OCD so I am an old hand at the irrationality malarky. CBT helped big time in the acute phase. Time in general helped after that, and now I am almost recovered.

Keep hopeful

14-12-08, 10:51
hi emma matey, well as u know i suffer low self esteem too and i am always working on myself trying to feel better about me.

i suffered bad health anxiety few yrs back when my nan died and i thought i had cancer every day and i had bad panic attacks, but luckily it did go away although it could b triggered again in me if im not careful.

my way to deal with it was to keep busy and try not to over think and get re assurance off someone too, i used to tell my hubby and although he would get cross at me keep asking it did kinda work with me.

i have a battle every day with myself am i good enough, pretty enough, clever enough, do i say the right thing, am i going to look stupid, do i look fat and the list goes on, but every day i try to focus on just being me and making the best of myself and thinking well let people think wot they like i dont care.

sometimes this works well other times it dont but im not giving up on me and u must not either emma, keep believing in yourself and do little things every day to help with your self esteem, i find if i make an effort with myself i always feel better.

hugs and u will get there xxx

15-12-08, 09:08
I think a lot of how we are brought up as kids make us feel the way we feel. i was downtrodden as a child and made to feel a total failure so much so that I developped panic attacks in my 20s when my hubby and I got married coz I have never felt worthy of anything before - I am now in my 40s and kids have left home and panic attacks are back - probably coz I feel worthless again as no longer caring for my children. Also redundant coz of credit crunch and no luck finding a job so feel even more worthless although I know I AM NOT - its still difficult! Wenjoy x

15-12-08, 09:54
:) for me continuing low self-image hindered my road to recovery and continued to keep me depressed and unable to tackle difficult challenges/situations - i think it is a key element in depression and anxiety disorders as your coping skills become weak through continual self battering? how can anyone thrive being punished constantly, and for what beign human with weakness and flaws? i had a book recommended that helped me by melanie fennell - i could work through it and pinpoint why/where my low self-esteem came from, and i can say that since i started to support myself my strength has grown and i am able to do things that were before unimanginable:yesyes:

15-12-08, 17:09
Thank you all very much for your replies. I have decided to work on myself a bit and to only take small steps. Im trying to think a bit now, before jumping into a negative thought. Think this is the hardest bit now.

Once again

Thank you xxx