View Full Version : Hi, im new so thought id say hi

Hannah 20
13-12-08, 18:20
Hi, im only 20 and am worroid about my panic attacks. Its great to see that there is a place where people can chat about how they feel.
My problem is that i cant even sit in a pub or go to a concert without feeling that something is going to happen. I go to a resturan order my food, and then cant eat i because i feel sick. I get hot and feel faint and have to get out! Its strange and i hate it! Can anyone help? x:)

13-12-08, 18:22
Hi Hannah

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

You'll get lots of advice and support here.


Hannah 20
13-12-08, 18:24
Hi Lisa,

So do you suffer badly?

13-12-08, 18:25
:welcome: Hi and welcome to NMP:)

Hannah 20
13-12-08, 18:30

Cute profile pic by the way, i have a golden retreiver! There beautiful!

13-12-08, 19:45
Hi Hannah,

Panic Attacks are a pain in the bum. I used to suffer from them myself as did my Mum when I was a kid. Once I discovered what was going on I found having an attack in public was embarrassing and frustrating. I would find myself in situations where I was aware that the attacks were the result of my own fears. But being unable to control them physically. I stopped going out and doing the things I enjoyed. It seemed the only way to prevent the embarrassment of an attack at the time. My doctor told me to push myself into situations that id become fearful of and to try and ride them out. I think they coined the term "Fight or Flight". I was given medication to begin with but found this wasn't the solution for me. Everybody's different, but my personal advise, would be to try and come off the medication. I know people who have been though the same but there still taking medication years later and I found that the medication was only suppressing my anxiety. I've got though the panic attacks now which is good though I still have low self esteem and depression it hasn't gone away completely I don't think it ever will but I'm getting stronger as a person because of it and can feel myself wading though these changes and coming out the other side a brighter person.

Sorry about the essay of a response.
take care and i hope 2009 is brings new horizons to you
all the best,

Hannah 20
13-12-08, 20:54

Thank you so much, you made me realise im not alone. I get wound up just thinking about going to relatives for dinner,why is this? What advice can you give for me to stop worrying. The thing is i dont know what im actually worrying about, i know it sounds strange. I have been suffering for about a year and only recentley went to the doctors where he advised to see somebody and also to take up yoga. After i have an attack i feel myself worrying about it days after. Why? It is all really new to me.

Han x:)

13-12-08, 21:04
Hi and :welcome:
You will find lots of lovely people to give you help and support here...wish you well.
Take care

13-12-08, 23:58
Hi there
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

14-12-08, 08:51
Hi Hannah, feeling wanna faint when i was going out is my first symptom before i was housebound. Now i had a very bad panic disorder and agoraphobia and now i only dare going out to see the doctors with my mum. I hope you will not be like me....good luck Hannah, bye.....:yesyes:


14-12-08, 18:49
Welcome to the site Hannah, I know how you feel I get a lot of panic attacks especially when out shopping, which is a shame as I love it so much hehe!

Hope you find the help you need xx

16-12-08, 11:56
hi hannah it will get better try to think posative not easy but you will get there good luck .