View Full Version : New to the Forum..My Story

14-12-08, 03:47
Hi all. I am a 23 year old female from the USA, soon to be 24 this month. I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. I'm looking for support and reassurance from others and also like to help others.

I've always had mild anxiety with a flare up my sophmore year of college about 4 years ago which subsided on its own. Now again, I am going through the worst bout of anxiety I've ever experienced. I'd say that my biggest problem is health anxiety and having the urge to search symptoms constantly on the Internet. Aside from that I have had for years a mild fear of crowds, small spaces, spiders, and driving. My driving phobia is the worst since I limit myself to only a small area I will drive in and if I must travel out of my little range then someone else has to drive.

This bout of anxiety that I'm going through now all started with going back to school again after graduating from college in May. I got a case of oral thrush before school started(which I get often from being very stressed out) and things just spiraled out of control from there. I was failing my one math class and that's what was the final straw, I believe. I then came down with a body rash which I have just found out is Pityriasis Rosea but had general doctors tell me was fungal so basically I thought I was a walking fungus. Finding out that I had PR was a huge relief and then last night I also found out that I managed a C in my Math class! Another huge relief!

But right now I'm waiting to hear back on Wednesday from extensive bloodwork drawn last week, including HIV(which the doctors insinuate is causing my thrush). I am in an 8 year relationship with the same man and he was tested 4 years ago so I don't believe that I will test positive for it, especially since I've been getting the thrush since 2 years before he was tested. So I guess they are doing other auto-immune tests as well. But I don't believe I'm auto-immune either since I never even seem to catch a cold. I've probably had 2 or 3 colds in the last 5 years. I just seem to get this thrush when I'm stressed out to my breaking point or on antibiotics. They make me feel like its so bizarre and gets me to worrying.

So things are settling one by one and I'm hoping that after my appointment on Wednesday, everything will come back normal and my anxiety will ease up a lot. Right now I'm dealing with the "lump in throat" complex that I've read about a lot on this forum. I don't think that's anything major either because there's large amounts of the day where I don't feel it at all, as long as I'm occupied and not searching the Internet for throat cancer :D .

As for medications, I'm currently on Librax which is a drug for both anxiety and Irritable Bowel Syndrome(since 11/12/08). It worked for the belly problems but doesn't seem to be doing much for my anxiety. I'm going to talk to the doc about this on Wednesday as well. I'm thinking of asking for a once daily maintenance pill such as Paxil and possibly a panic drug for attacks such as Xanax. I hope to not even have to use the Xanax but maybe just feel comfort in knowing that its there if I need it.

I am looking forward to talking with you all and finally finding a place where people understand rather than just telling me to "calm down."

14-12-08, 04:14
Welcome :) I am fairly new here also. I hope all together we can find the support we need from other people who finally understand.

14-12-08, 07:13
hi girlrock, welcome to NMP. I also new here. I think the lump in your throat cause by your anxiety like mine and i met many doctors because of that and they all give me vitamins...I still live with anxiety/panic attacks and agoraphobia and i get alot of supports here. I'm sure you will get alots of supports here....bye girlrock..


Diane O'Brien
14-12-08, 09:55

:welcome: to this site. You will find some good support here. Maybe we'll talk in chat sometime.

Take Care

Doiane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

14-12-08, 17:48

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

14-12-08, 18:43
Hello and welcome to the site:) I really hope you find it useful, I'm sure there are a lot of people in a similar situation to you so don't ever feel alone:hugs: :hugs: xx