View Full Version : Guilt?

14-12-08, 08:33
Does anyone get bombarded with guilt?! I thought I had started to get everything under control but then on a night out last night I ended up having a puff on a joint, a habit which I kicked a few months ago, along with smoking... And now Ive been plagued with guilt about that being the thing that does it - I'm petrified of getting lung cancer and dying, but I was having such a good night I didn't want to hold back, but I knew this would come to bite me in the butt!

Does anyone else get this? I find sometimes it can be triggered simply by eating a chocolate bar instead of an apple, or standing too close to a smoker (by this i mean within 5 feet!).

I hate my health anxiety....

14-12-08, 11:07
Hi Laura - good on you for stopping smoking and thereby also giving up the grass!! (My son smokes both and I have told him the only thing I want for Christmas is him giving up! Not enough with my own HA, I have it on his behalf, too! :) Anyway, don't beat yourself up over one little slip, honey - we are only human, after all. It's a bit like a slimmer blowing the diet because they have had one chocolate bar and "ruined it". So stop feeling guilty and rest assured a few puffs will not in any way have undone the good work your giving up has done! Best wishes, Annie

14-12-08, 17:13
Thanks Annie,

Its just such a constant pester to me, I had a brilliant night last night, probably the first time I've had a good night out in 3 months since this whole nightmare began! I just hope I can avoid that mistake again, but continue to enjoy myself.

You gave me a real boost today, thanks very much, hope you are well.