View Full Version : carrying and passing on flu,cold and other bugs !

14-12-08, 09:35
hi nmp people

i know this might sound crazy :whistles: but i have found myself stressing about this this morning and want to see what you lot think .
for the past week i have felt a little dizzy and sickly like i was about to get a cold /or virus but it never got to that i just felt a little off but this morning my hubby and my little girl have both got up and are really ill being sick sore throat the lot !
i have noticed i never seem to get things i always pass them on and now thinking am i not picking up cold,s and bugs coz i have something else my body is fighting off already now i know it sounds mad but i do have ha and this is always the way i think i walk about thinking i have cancer mostly all the time:wacko:
are any of you the same do you seem to carry things and pass them on with out getting really ill with it ?

jodie xxx