View Full Version : A bit more info

25-06-05, 16:32
:DHi there everyone just thought i would give a bit more info about me as i seem to be sending a few replies that i hope will help.
I hope i dont waffle too muchbut here goes,i am 32 and have two kids heaven-leigh who is 6 and jacob who is 4 and am lucky to be a stay at home mum.I dont really think i would be able to work though as sometimes bad days creep up on me but then again sometimes i think that if i worked i would have less time to fret and worry about things but would have to increase my confidence first but if i worked it would increase my confidence.A bit of a catch 22 situation really but when my son starts primary school in september i think i will do something even if it is voluntary to get me out of the house as some days i struggle and if it wasnt for the kids might possibly stay at home permanent.
At the moment i wouldnt say i suffer from actual panic attacks but anxiety attacks but if they reach a high then i get the physical symptons but thats when its really bad.I take 50mg sertraline and 30mg propanolo at the moment but inthe past ten years have also taken seroxat which was great at the time and citalopram,my meds have changed as i have come off the tablets but my anxiety has hit a high and have gone to the docs and they prescribe something different,my doctor is really good if a little over generous with tablets at times.I have just started a refresher course of cbt after my anxiety started bad last june but has taken until now to get to see a counsellor and feel quite good now but do need to push myself more and go out to more faraway places.
Anyway thats it for now feel free to ask any questions and hope i havent waffled for too long.
mel xx


25-06-05, 18:03
hi mell well done just keep trying and dont give up:) take care and welcome to the site. vernon

25-06-05, 18:09
Thanks for telling us a bit more about yourself Melanie. You seem to be making some good progress so keep it up!! Hope we can offer you some support.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

25-06-05, 18:32
Hi Melanie,
You say you don't 'work', with a 6 year old and a 4 year that is an understatement!! I understand how you feel though, having too much time to think can make us dwell on our symptoms, you sound very positive, the summer holls are looming, i would try to just relax and enjoy the summer with your family, take each day as it comes, if you fancy venturing out, do so, if not the kids can be easily occupied at home, then once Jacob starts school in September, see how you feel and what you want to do, voluntary work sounds good, but get the kids settled back in school first, then see how things pan out, take care and please do keep in touch

25-06-05, 19:38

Thanks for the info and a big welcome to you.

I am sure we can help you on here so good to have you on board.

How are you finding the CBT ?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-06-05, 21:24
Hiya the cbt is going ok so far, to be honest i hate it my counsellor makes me do stuff i dont want to do and it makes me really really uncomfortable but after she is always right i have to push my anxious thoughts to realise that nothing will happen it is just anxiety but you know what its like you dont believe it at the time,do you know what i mean!!!!
Ihope everyone are doing ok mel xx


25-06-05, 21:41

Yes I can understand that - I had to do stuff too and hated it. It will be good long term - they are pushing us to do stuff that we hate so that we start to learn it can't harm us.

The more we do it the more we get used to it and then we realise it can't harm us.

I hope it helps you too so work with it ok.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-06-05, 23:23
Well done Melanie - glad to hear it is going so well for you.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-06-05, 08:56
Hi Mel, sounds like you have a full time job with kids...

I absolutely love the name heaven-leigh. I think I will have another baby (hope its a girl) just to name her Heaven-leigh...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

26-06-05, 10:04
Hi Mel, welcome aboard. I know what you mean about work ,I am one of those people who if I didnt work I would give up. Saying that I am fortunate to have my ideal job with lots of supportive friends there, also my kids are grown up so my circumstances are different. Take care, Love Alexis,x

26-06-05, 21:22
Hi Mel,

welcome to the site,

i have a 7 and a 5 yr old, i worked from home until the begining of this year, so i have always been at home with the kids, they are both at school now, and i find it hard to fill my days,

You seem to be really positive and i hope this carries on for you
this is a great site you will get lots of support

kairen x

27-06-05, 11:45
Hi Melanie

A big warm welcome.

I hope you find it a great support