View Full Version : citalopram

14-12-08, 10:36
I was prescribed citalopram last week and have now been taking it for 7 days. Still feeling very nervous, shaky with a clenched stomach, is this usual and will the citalopram take this away?

Badly Drawn Boy
14-12-08, 10:48
Hi Mark

I'm on day 10 of my Citalopram, and i've felt worse since starting it but this is the norm. Things dont normally get better til 2-3 weeks into the dosage.
I have extremely low energy levels, headaches, sickness but this should all go soon.
So don't worry too much, bring on week three!

14-12-08, 11:11
Thanks for that

14-12-08, 11:24
I've been on mine just over a week now and feel absolutely fine. I was on 1/2 tablet for the first 4 days and then went on a full 20mg tablet but the only side effect I had was I was tired at first and kept yawning after I had taken it but it seems to have passed now.

14-12-08, 16:55
When I was on citalopram it took my body about a month to get used to. It can increase your anxiety but it is normal and it does pass. Soon the medication wll have a more positive affect.

15-12-08, 11:16
When I was on citalopram it took my body about a month to get used to. It can increase your anxiety but it is normal and it does pass. Soon the medication wll have a more positive affect.

Thank you. Feeling awful just now but must stick with it.

Fallen Angel
15-12-08, 14:09
I first started taking Citalopram tablets (10mg) about 2 months ago and a a few of the side affects I had was feeling dizzy and bowl trouble - I was either constipated or had really bad diohrrea (can't spell). I was fed up by the symptoms so about 2 weeks ago, I took 8 tablets with a can of larger as an attempt to overdose. My girlfriend took me to A+E at my local hospital to get me checked over however I've only started taking my tablets again today (15th Dec 2008). What should I do?
