View Full Version : Really anxious about going out tonight

14-12-08, 17:51
Tonigh I am going to a party and I am really anxious about it. I hate anything to be arranged because I always get myself worked up about going so usually just do things spur of the moment but I have known about this all week and my anxiety is through the roof, the thought of a lot of people that I don't know terrifies me.

I'm panicing over what I am wearing, my hair, my make-up, everything, I feel like I am going to be the odd one out as far as the way I look and everybody is going to be saying things about me. My rash side of my brain is telling me that its the anxiety and social phobia talking but the other side of my brain is telling me that I am going to look a complete mess and have the mickey taken out of me.

I really hate this stupid anxiety, it gets me down so much

Diane O'Brien
14-12-08, 18:40
Hi Lily

I know its that time of year again. Christmas parties, I,m going to my husbands Christmas works party next week and I,m dreading it. I won't know a soul apart from my husband. I bet when your all done up u look lovely. The thoughts u r thinking are all negative, like u said the rational side of u knows its anxiety. I always think the worst time is the first 15 mins then when ur there your anxiety starts to subside. U realise that ur not different and everyone's the same as you. Everyone's there to enjoy themselves and I bet everyone's all a bit nervous and be acting on their best behaviour at first. Be yourself and think the anxiety will eventually fade. The best thing about parties is that people drink so no-one notices much wat the other person is doing. Everyone is checking lipstick, mascara etc.

I hope u have a great night and let us know how u are. U will be great. Have fun.

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

14-12-08, 19:05
Thanks Diane,

I know that the anxiety will pass once I get there and I'm sure it wont be as bad as I am imagining I just wish for once I can go somewhere without having every anxiety symptom beforehand and feeling like I need to go to the loo for the whole night which isn't good as I hate using public toilets, just another one of my phobia's.

I will let you know how I get on although I have a feeling I will be the one in the end having a good laugh at everyone drunk as I don't drink so will notice how stupid everyone will be acting by the end of the night!

14-12-08, 19:59
awww goodluck matey i bet u will look beautiful and dont panic try to stay calm and u will b fine and no one will take mickey hun, just b yourself.
hugs xxxx

ps mine all got sick bug its been dreadful all weekend one after another


15-12-08, 09:45
Thanks Donna I had a good time, was anxious at first but once it passed I was okish.

Hope the kids are feeling better soon, I know what its like to have a house full of ill kids, mine have had one thing after the other for weeks now and my youngest is starting with another cold again much to my horror as I hate seeing a baby with a snotty nose but the poor little lad is snotting everywhere, nice ey.

Hugs to you and the kids

Diane O'Brien
15-12-08, 12:21
Hi Lily

So glad u had a good time. Like I mentioned earlier my husbands Christmas do is on Saturday and I,m dreading it LOL and I advised u. Gonna take my own advice, I know my anxieties will fade once I,m there. Like u I can't drink much on the meds.

Well done u.

Diane xxx