View Full Version : at the end of my tether!!

14-12-08, 20:31
i am so so so so sick and tired of worrying!!!
i worry about trains, i worry about flying i worry about my kids when they go in cars i worry about lifts i worry about a dented tin of beans.. i just worry!!!

most of all though i worry about brain tumors and other brain problems... had a really good day today and then had a bad pain in my head, right where it has been for the last 3 weeks, hurts to bend, hurts to cough, it did hurt to touch but thats ok now... keep looking at my eye cause i think the pupil is bigger in one eye but im sure it was like that about 8yrs ago...

i just want someone to tell me im ok... wasnt anxious at all but it throbbed then stopped after a few minutes.... my eye keeps twitching too and im so scared ALL DAY!!!

14-12-08, 21:33
Hi Darcy,

I used to have HA and brain tumours were my biggest fear, maybe it's because you can't see or feel them till it's too late or something?
I once had a pain in a certain part of my head for about 2 months and I was so convinced it was cancer I even asked a stranger at the bus stop if one of my pupils was bigger than the other I was so scared! lol
I still don't know what caused the pain (stress probably) but eventually it did go.

Hope you're feeling a bit better x

14-12-08, 21:41
LOL thats funny!! thanks for that... xx