View Full Version : Really need reassurance

14-12-08, 23:17
I've been having very strange head pains the last couple of days.
It starts with a wave of pain going through my head two or three times which makes me feel disorianted (not sure of the spelling right now sorry), and sickly. I don't have a headache before and am not thinking about things that usually get me freaking out. Like yesterday when it happened i was out with my friends having a meal and having a nice time when out of the blue this head pain happened and that was it i couldn't stop thinking about it and now have myself freaked out especially as my mum told me that my sister read somewhere that aneurysms as hereditary (my grandad has one)!!!
I'm thinking of going to the doc tomorrow and to see if i can get a neurological examination. Ami blowing this up, i know i'm very nervous about an up and coming plane flight as last year when i was coming back from portugal i completed freaked out and the pressure in mind head was awful it felt like something in my head was going to explode!!! and i haven't been wearing my glasses although they are a very mild lense and aren't to be worn often.
I just really need to hear some sensible explanations x x x

14-12-08, 23:55
i thought i was reading my own post there!!

its awful, i have had exactly the same for the past few months... you try and get yourself back on track and all it takes is one thing (head pain) and it all starts again!!

ive just been on the phone crying to my mate about head pain and brain problems and everyone says the same thing.. stress, anxiety, tension.. its crap for us that cant relax... today i was sat on the sofa with a cuppa and some choc watching a nice film, couldnt of been more relaxed if i had tried and BAM.. major head pain.. always in the same place so you think it has to be something...

im also having the blue dots in vision (a few times a day) and twitching eye (always same one) im sooooo stressed by it all i think its making it worse... (why cant i listen to my own advice!!!)

its normal to have head pain.. whats not so normal is the way WE respond to it.. we freak out which in turn makes us worse....

are you on any meds?

im off to the dr tomorrow as i cant go on like this for much longer.. im starting to 'look' ill with all the worry now which makes me worry even more..... AAAHHH stop this world, i wanna get off!!

sorry, long boring reply but its so nice to get this off my chest to someone who knows just what im going through..

hope ive helped in some way...


15-12-08, 00:09
Hi Darcy, you have helped. I too sometimes get a dot in my vision but i have had this since i was a child and although it worries me i can rationalise that sympton. I find it best to talk about it if i don't and try to keep these things to myself it gets too much for me and really starts to affect my life.
Most of my female friends know that i suffer from this irrational thought process and two inparticular are very understanding but in very different ways. One suffers from alot of headaches and general unwellness (if there is such a word) and so will reassure me, my other friend turns it around and makes me laugh about it and look at things rationally. Niether roll their eyes at me. It's good that you have a friend like you do who will listen and i know exactly how you feel x x x Thanks

15-12-08, 04:43
I think you are going to be just fine. I know what you mean though. Any side of head pain with me and right away it was a brain tumor. I thought that for years until I finally had a catscan this past summer and it was totally normal so that should last me for a while :D .

But I have gotten sharp pains out of the clear blue sky in my head as well and have since had the catscan so I'm sure you are OK too. I think they are just like muscle or nervous twinges or something that just happen and you can't do anything about it.

Hope this helps! I am having my own health anxieties now as well...I know how the reassurance is what we need!

15-12-08, 10:13
I have head pains like the ones you describe dont know what it is but I have had them as long as i remember. they only last a few seconds and then go. If it was anything serious im sure it would be worse? at least thats what i tell myself lol
