View Full Version : me again!!

15-12-08, 10:35
so, as u may have read my previous threads, the past couple of weeks my big panic has been breast cancer. anyway......have had them checked and i am clear....have been fine over the weekend, but i was in bed this morning and having a feel under my arm (armpit) and felt a indented bit!!! panic!! i know i have had this for a while, my partner was having a look and said it was a stretch mark! he was even showing me his! i have felt the ones on my tummy, and they feel the same. perhaps not as indented... can anyone offer me some reasurrance please?? i cant go to docs again, i was there monday and friday, lol xxx:doh:

15-12-08, 11:34
Hi Helen

Yup hun, I have the very same thing and it will definately be a stretch mark. I have just double checked after reading your post and sure enough, i can feel the exact same thing. Try not to worry as this is completely normal.

Lots of Love


15-12-08, 11:53
hi lisa, thankyou for your reply, it has eased my mind even more that this is what it! i no i have had it for ages, but my mind seems to run away without me at the moment, lol. thank again hun xxx

15-12-08, 12:02
I honestly sympathise hun because i can be the exact same with health issues. I can be fine for months and then all of a sudden i think i have everything under the sun. It just takes one little thing to kick it off and then that's me, on a 'omg i'm dying spree' Lol!!

Love Lisa

15-12-08, 12:04
lol, yeah thats me at the moment, ive had every type of cancer going!! im trying to get over it, and hopefully i will, it does my head in! xx