View Full Version : I hate panicking about tummy bugs

15-12-08, 11:47
I was doing so well. Not panic attacks for a several months. Then this weekend got a text from my 3yr olds best mates mummy and she mentioned in passing that her 3yr old has sickness and runny bum. Well later when in a shop I had a panic attack cos' I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I am convinced we will all be sick over Xmas and I keep wanting to burst into tears about it.

I need to get a grip but I can't... I am worrying myself silly. I feel sick, can't eat... Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I hate this, I really hate how stupid I am.

15-12-08, 11:59
i have felt the same hun, u arent stupid, if one of the kids at my daughters school is off ill, i panic that my daughter will get it! i think its even worse at this time of year, she has had the cold that is going round, so i hope she can last this week at school without catching anything! i keep thinking, if she does get something, then it isnt xmas till the thursday and she will be better by then! u r not alone hun, try not to worry else u will make urself ill xxx

15-12-08, 12:08
Oh cheers Helen for knowing how it feels to be such a mad muppet !
He was ill 2 weeks ago so hoping it is the same strain of virus doing the rounds. I was sending him to nursery next Monday as his last day before nursery but I have decided not to - that will make his last nursery day this Weds and then I shall lock him in his room !!!! ( joking before anyone contacts Social Services)

15-12-08, 12:10
lmao!! we can be muppets 2gether! xx

15-12-08, 15:31
I feel just the same. I legged it out of Asda today when someone was talking about their kids having a vomitting bug over the weekend.
I'm forever trying to avoid tummy bugs and/or colds and flu. I'm convinced almost every day I've picked up a bug and am forever feeling a bit sick.
I won't allow visitors in if they've had a cold etc and I wash my hands so often they are sore and chapped!!

CAn I be a muppet as well?

15-12-08, 15:40
erm.....yes u may join our muppethood xxx aslong as u aint got a cold lol xxxx

thoughts and actions
15-12-08, 16:09
hi guys

can i join this gang to lol

read my prev threads and posts- catchign stomach bugs and getting the runs rules my life

honestly- its awful, i have actually had bugs in the past and to be honest they werent that bad ( well not as bad as imagined) but its mor ethe thought

I suffer from IBS so ill be honest my fear is more that ill loose control of my bowels or just be sitting and suddnely go Bluuurgghh and be sick- if am in work and ppl are ill i avoid them like the plague and keep disinfectant and gel in my locker

so glad am not the only one- just things like this ppl are not vocal about


15-12-08, 16:33
Yup. I'm an ibs sufferer as well so I never know if my symptoms are just an ibs attack or a tummy bug.
I've just gone all weird looking at the bbc news website as norovirus is going crazy again. I'd never heard or had this bug until last year when my whole family got it. Now I fear it like the plague!!

Thank you for allowing me to be in the muppet gang Helen. I shall wash my hands and always sneeze into a tissue I promise!

15-12-08, 16:58
Hi all

I was about to put a post in to find out if there was a tummy bug going around. I have had a bad tummy since yesterday. So I guess the answer is yes then :-)