View Full Version : Is it possible...

15-12-08, 12:17
Is it possible for anxiety to mimic symptoms of another disorder?

For example if you have read about something then gradually these symptoms seem to take effect?

I have visual snow and gradually my vision is starting to move from left to right when I stare at things but the vision has only started moving after I have read about it being associated with another condition.

Rachel W
15-12-08, 16:32
I had the same thing happen. I was worried about MS, before I was worried about ALS. I read about nystagmus and then my eyes started to flit from side to side the NEXT DAY!!!

15-12-08, 19:05
I get this a LOT and it's not just sensatons but actual physical symptoms such as when I was worried about my Gynea health I actually developed abnormal women's stuff. When I'm worried about my chest I get really sharp pains, when I worry about my stomach I get acid indigestion, bloating, nausea--the works. Of course it all goes away when I've moved onto something else. Now that I'm worried about my head, I'm suffering with headaches and eyes.

It boggles the mind. This propensity to start producing 'symptoms' has made it very difficult to even browse this site for fear of finding out something that will kick start me off (which actually happened last week).:weep: