View Full Version : Going Crazy!!!

15-12-08, 13:38
HELP!!!! My ears have been full and what feels like blocked for weeks and weeks and I’ve got continuous headaches everyday. What can unblock my ears, it’s driving me crazzzyyyyy!!!!!:scared15:

15-12-08, 13:46
my sis in law has the same problem, and she gets her ears syringed at the doctors, the nurse usually does it fo her.....u could always try it x

15-12-08, 14:05
Thanx so much for your reply, its sooo nice to know that there are people with the patience to listen and to offer advice, it restores my faith in humanity :smile:However I have been to the docs a few times with various symptoms, and she has looked into my ears and said they looked fine. Cause I suffer from anxiety I don't think they believe me......

15-12-08, 14:29
this is something that my partner is concerned about for me....i worry about the slightest thing and i am straight up at the doctors! and everytime i have been it is put down to muscular or my anxiety! but it is more than their job is worth just to "fob us off" they no what they are talking about. if it was me i would go back to the docs, and get her 2 have another look x

15-12-08, 16:02
Have you had a cold recently? This can cause a blocked feeling in your ears.

15-12-08, 17:32
No, I haven't had a cold or anything like that in about 6 months. I have just been really unwell with headaches, dizziness, and this ear thing. I really can't remember what it was like to have a clear head, and keep wondering if I will ever again.......

15-12-08, 19:15
Perhaps it's your sinuses - it might be worthwhile trying inhaling steam anyway for a few days and see if that helps.

15-12-08, 19:30
Sounds very similar to what I am going through I have had blocked ears for months now and a muzzy head. I went to a herbalist and they gave me something to clear my sinuses and they seem to be working fine. Hope you get it sorted soon.


16-12-08, 12:57
Hi Guys,

Thanx so much for all your replies, the only thing is that most of you mention troubly with your sinuses. Only I thought you can only get trouble with your sinuses after a cold or infection, and I have had neither recently. Can you still have troublw with sinuses and ears without no previous infections?

16-12-08, 13:33

I get everything you describe (ears etc) from tension. It gets particularly bad when I clench my teeth without knowing I'm doing it.



16-12-08, 13:48
How long have you guys had it for tho. This and the headaches have been going on for about 4 months :mad:

16-12-08, 13:59
MVP, in my honest opinion from what you decribe it sounds like you have blocked sinuses. If you are able to take tablets then I would suggest a decongestant like 'sudafed' which pilots take when they fly.

Make sure its the sudafed you buy over the counter not off the shop floor ie, u need pseudoephedrine - a decongestionant (not phenyelphrine)

also there are nasal drops such as otrivine

there are steam inhalations such as methol and eucalyptus

Get the basic sudafed then u can add paracetamol or ipuprofen as and when you need to

i hope you feel better soon xx

16-12-08, 14:01
Can you have blocked sinuses though without your nose being blocked up and stuffy, and also without having had a cold or infection, sorry to keep harping on about this.............

16-12-08, 14:03
Yes, they can be very painful (a friend of mine had to ahve hers drained) but without any apparent physical symptoms like a snotty nose.