View Full Version : Swollen Glands

15-12-08, 14:00
My Glands are swollen in my neck and I am very worried. Does this mean cancer???????? I am scared about my other symptoms (sinus pain, blocked nose etc) and now I think that this is connected.

What is the difference between swollen glands (not serious) and swollen glands (Sign of something serious?)


15-12-08, 14:18
Do the glands in your neck hurt when you press them? Glands can be raised by somehting as simple as a cut or if your a lady your period etc. I have a painful gland under my armpit at the mo and i thinks its because i have a water infection and im on anti biotics. You would have sooo many other symptoms if you had cancer. I would say leave it a week and if it doesnt go just pop to the doctors for your own piece of mind ;)

15-12-08, 14:27
Hurts a little bit when I press but not a lot. I am linking to all my other symptoms and think it is nasal or sinus cancer. Am waiting for some results from a ct scan.... argh, I hate this..... xx Thanks for your reply

15-12-08, 16:03
Glands often swell when you're ill - it sounds as if you might have a sinus infection or the start of a cold (mine have been swollen for a couple of weeks now while I've had a cold).

15-12-08, 17:02
I have permanently swollen glands in my neck and left armpit and I think this is what caused my first ever attack. Went to docs who did blood tests which all came back fine but blooming websites said I shouldnt ignore prolonged swollen glands/lymph nodes and that it could be a lymphoma (amongst a hundred other things). Of course I saw lymphoma and self diagnosed that. Eventually 3 months later saw ENT consultant who did a fine needle aspiration, removed gland which was biopsied then had CT scan. All came back clear and it was suggested it might be a dental problem so had wisdom tooth removed and that helped (for a while) until anxiety crept in.

Cancerous lumps tend not to be painful at all. Mine just seem to be permanently swollen and I have to say I very rarely get colds so maybe its just them busily fighting off infections.

15-12-08, 17:03
Hi I have had a swollen gland in my neck, for 5 weeks now. Seen 3 docs and all ok. It goes up and down mine, but doesnt completely go. If you are concerned maybe worth checking with the doc

15-12-08, 17:16
Hi Fairy

That's NOT cancer sweetheart! I would say it's more likely to be a virus which is very typical of this time of year. If you are still worried then a visit to your GP will ease your mind.

Lots of Love


15-12-08, 18:01
Getting really panicy. This is just ridiculous.... I am so worried. Thanks for all of your replies xxx

15-12-08, 20:06

I have been going through something similar, glands feel swollen and my sinuses and ears are blocked and got a bit of a sore throat. I think it is just a virus or blocked sinus problems. Try not to worry.


26-12-08, 15:45
Hi i went to the doc about this yesterday, he said throat is red from a cold and a couple of glands were up, said it was viral.

Im thinking what if they dont go down, is it cancer etc. So keep checking. Im not panicking, its the thoughts doing my head in

Wish I could take my mind off it, he even tld me to forget about the lumps

But can I.............. NOPE

26-12-08, 22:53
please dont worry, swollen glands are a sign that your body is fighting infection and thats a good thing!!! I have been to docs many times and have permanent raised glands in the front side and back of neck. I've had them for many years they just raise slightly depending on my health but never go away