View Full Version : Not HA but need to have a cry :(

15-12-08, 14:15
Hi Guys, This is just a bit of a moan but i have been crying my eyes out for about an hour. Its my 21st birthday tommorow and i dont have a very good relationship with my mum she is very controlling and she has admitted on several occasions that i have ruined her life etc, she kicked me out numerous times and i ended up moving out permently when i was 17. When we speak its very strained and often ends with her screaming at me. She has just phoned me up as she was taking me out for lunch today, well she text me this morning to basically say she couldnt be bothered and to leave it. That really upset me but i half expected it. She just phoned me and we have had a screaming match for a good half and hour and she said that she wants to leave it with me and let me get on with my life and that she hopes ' bubs doesnt ruin my life like i have'
Im so emotional today as she always ruins birthays and xmas's but tommorow is a big birthday to me as my 18th was ruined by her as well, its not about presents but absolutely no one is doing anything tommorow http://my.bounty.com/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif my lovely boyfriend took me away for the weekend which was ace and if it wasnt for him i dont knwo what i would do. Im trying to not get stressed but is crying this much bad for the baby? grrr sorry for the long post sometimes its good to get it off your chest

15-12-08, 15:44
i cant pretend i have been through what u have hunny, but i agree that it is good to get things off ur chest, i hope you r feeling abit better and i am sending u a hug xxxx

15-12-08, 16:06
Hi Tash, Happy birthday for tomorrow.
Please always remember this...You have not ruined your mother's life-She has done that all by her self. She could have had a good and loving relationship with her daughter and SHE chose not to. Draw a line under the first 21 years. Tomorrow starts a new era.you have a great OH and a baby on the way. I tell you from experience that you will never repeat you mothers parenting mistakes. again, happy birthday and happy new life. xx

15-12-08, 17:56
Thank you so much guys :) ate my weight in chocolate and received a bunch of flowers from partner and feeling slightly beter :)

15-12-08, 21:25
Hi Tash

Look forward babe, to your wonderful future with your little one, my life changed after having kids and having my own family, true they are almost grown up nowe and can be regular pains in the *******, but I wouldn't say they ruined my life even though I have had times when I have thought what I could have had with my time or money, instead of spending every spare penny feeding and clothing them!

so chin up babe I was 8 months pregnant on my twenty first and couldn't have a drink or go on a mad night out, but I have had lots of good times since, brilliant holidays with my family and posh nights out with my now grown up children

Take care


15-12-08, 22:23
Tash...*hugs*...I agree with dozy..you didn't ruin your mom's life at all. She ruined it on her own. She should know what a wonderful gift it is to have a child. It sounds like you guys have been strained for some time but just know that it could always get better still. You're best to just let her go for now. When she realizes that you aren't always going to be there when she wants to toy with your head, maybe she'll come around.

Its always better to get it off your chest than leave it there, I'd say! Hope you feel better and have a wonderful birthday!! :)

16-12-08, 17:16
happy birthday

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_12_21.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=_undefined)http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_10_14.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=_undefined)http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_10_12.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=_undefined)