View Full Version : Sex of GAD sufferers Please.

15-12-08, 16:43
I am interested to find out if the stats that more women suffer from GAD than Men and why.

Diane O'Brien
15-12-08, 16:51
Interestin poll Meewah,

My guess would be more women then men, only because more women will most probably chat about it on chat signs and women tend to be more open about these topics, but then again there's quite a few men on here. I think its good that men can chat about depression and anxiety as well. The results will be interesting.

Diane xxx

Cathy V
15-12-08, 23:56
I think maybe more women because of the hormone side of things maybe? although i was quite surprised at how many men on here suffer too.

16-12-08, 02:04
Uh...what's GAD? Once I find out I'll do the poll lol


16-12-08, 23:58
Hi Lacy :D:hugs:

Here is a link, which will help you understand


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Hope this helps


17-12-08, 00:32
Thanks Jill lol

17-12-08, 00:47
I polled lol

From reading that info that Jilly so kindly gave me I suffer from GAD I guess...I have all the symptoms.

In a way I'm happy to have a name for some of this stuff I'm going through. It wasn't knowing that was very hard for me.

Anyway, take care all :)


19-12-08, 01:55
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I do feel that on this great site, there are more female members active than male, so this pole may not be correct.

I also feel, that Diane is soo right, women do talk more about there feelings and I feel that there are alot more male who suffer GAD, but suffer in silence :weep:

I admire anyone who can come on this great site and talk openly about there panic, anxiety, by talking you ARE moving forward a little.

wishing you all well


20-12-08, 06:28
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I do feel that on this great site, there are more female members active than male, so this pole may not be correct.

I also feel, that Diane is soo right, women do talk more about there feelings and I feel that there are alot more male who suffer GAD, but suffer in silence :weep:

I admire anyone who can come on this great site and talk openly about there panic, anxiety, by talking you ARE moving forward a little.

wishing you all well


Thanks for your thoughts on this.
I wonder why more women are on this site? May be it could brought to the attention of more males by doing a little free advertising on male dominant sites. I feel as this is a great help to me it would help others. Re-addressing the sex balance may also bring some new slants on problems. I think we can learn from each other.

As you say women talk more openly. As you are anonomous here then you would assume that this would attract males as they find it hard to talk face to face.

Interesting survey but like you say not a realistic view of the sexes of sufferers just sufferers on NMP.

Take Care
