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View Full Version : Tired and dizzy all the time

Master D
15-12-08, 20:14
For the past 2 weeks I've been feeling very tired and dizzy the thing is it doesn't last all day just on and off from day to day. Sometimes it gets so bad that I just gotta close my eyes and put my head down or I sometimes feel like im gonna pass out. I've went to bed early once to see if that was it but I was still the same. I've also been taking the same pills like always Metoprolol, Fluxotine, and HCTZ and wasn't a big problem before. Also there is times I feel like im holding my breath and I think that I could be doing that even without me knowing so I know it can't be hyperventilation and could be lack of oxygen but im not sure on what it is cause again its not all the time. I have been always dizzy and tired in the past before but I don't know it just seems like this time it wont go away. I'm just so confused.:huh:

15-12-08, 20:30
Hi Master

Have you spoken to you GP about this at all? It could be related to a number of things but you did mention that you had been on your medications for a while and i was wondering if maybe they needed reviewing. It's worth speaking to your Gp hun and getting their opinion.


Master D
15-12-08, 20:46
Yea I told my GP and theripist and both are aware of the medications I was taking.

15-12-08, 21:02

I agree with Lisa, could be a number of things and best to speak to doctor. Over whelming need to sleep and still waking up tired, can also be anxiety. Best to get it checked though.

Good Luck

Master D
15-12-08, 22:08
I do have anxiety I just hope its that. I'm really tired of stressing over this and other pains and things like losing my balence so I trip. I do try to convince myself that it is my anxiety so I can stop worring sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt

16-12-08, 09:50
Hey Master D, know how you feel. For the last week I've felt dizzy and I was tired and achy when I woke up this morning. I skipped work and went to see the doctor, he did all the usual tests such as blood pressure, looked in eyes, ears etc. All fine, which has reassured me and some of my anxiety symptoms have abated (dry mouth, need to wee, weak limbs etc). He thinks I might have a slight viral infection as my lymph nodes are up a little. As long as its not like the viral infection I had mid year, lasted for 2.5 months!

It can be hard to know where the anxiety symptoms stop and "other" symptoms begin. Try to be ressured that you've been medically checked over recently - if there was something seriously wrong then it would show up in the usual checks such as blood pressure, chest sounds etc. All of the symptoms you describe - tiredness, clumsiness, dizziness, random pains - can be caused by anxiety. It sounds like you're on a lot of meds, too, which will almost certainly be giving you some side effects. Have you had any other type of therapy.

16-12-08, 11:41
You sound like me....read my thread and tell me...


I'm not on meds but I suppose thats how I'm feeling too. Only had one trip to the doctor about it but I think I'll go back this week.

Not had any councilling for it in a while? Are you feeling the same as I am??

16-12-08, 12:03
Anxiety can make you feel dizzy and unbalanced i know it does that to me :scared15:
i still think you should speak to your GP but sress and anxiety CAN make you feel this way For sure. but like i said still see your gp about this.:noangel:

Master D
16-12-08, 14:32
Well it was my old doctor I talked about this with the only thing she told me to do was to take my HCTZ in the afternoon and the rest in the morning since I used to take 3 in the morning. And I did tell my theripist about this too he just like me thinks its my anxiety. Also my theripist is aware of my meds just like my doctor. Now that I have a diffrent doctor now (cause of insurence) Im letting him know what my past doctor did and about my anxiety and high blood pressure and now I made an appointment to see him about this problem. Cause again I've had this problem before its just never lasted this long and this bad so it has me worried.

jason gluten free
15-01-13, 19:46
I was dizzy for a five year period. After doctors told me I should be happy with all my test results including blood work I spent a solid year researching. on what was causing my dizziness, how to fix it, and how did it start. I am not a doctor but anyone who is dizzy might want to try a gluten free diet . you can read my story at glutenfreewheatfree.com :welcome: