View Full Version : Weakness in Left Leg - Concerned of ALS

15-12-08, 20:40
First post...........

Beginning four weeks ago I began to feel a CONSIDERABLE amount of weakness in my left leg when walking. No pain, just weakness appearing in the left ankle. During this time I have developed mild muscle twitches in various parts of my left calf and especially my left ankle when I am driving or sitting. I cannot see the twitches, but feel them pressing against my paints (especially when I am driving or sitting/working on my computer). I also have noticed that the leg is cramping often in the calfs, although there is no localized pain which I can find, just considerable weakness. I have a very physical job and have taken multiple days off do to the fairly severe weakness which I am feeling. I also notice that the bones in my leg appear to be snaping when I make sudden movements ot even bend down to grab something. This is severly effecting my life as I feel that this can be nothing other then ALS as I appear to have many of the early symptoms of the disease. I am very anxious about this and just want to feel normal again!!


Last week I met with a neruo who gave me a complete evaluation. I told him that I had serious concerns about this (especially ALS worries) and he told me that "in his opinion I did not have ALS". He did not tell me what could be causing the "weakness" and percieved balance issues though and my symptoms appear to have gotten worse. I have EMG scheduled for the middle of January, although I had to nearly beg him to do one. I dont understand how a NEURO could not notice anything, when I KNOW there is something wrong with my left leg.

I am 22 years old, able to still life the same amount of weight with my legs while also able to run two miles on the treadmill at a fairly vigerous speed. Despite this when walking I notice weakness and am extremely concerned that the NEURO missed something or I did not describe my symptoms well enough. Many people in the ALS forums claim that NEUROS are not good at diagnosing ALS which is why I am considering visiting an ALS clinic if things do not get better. Does this sound at all like BFS? Should I trust the NEURO? Maybe it was too early for him to notice any "true weakness" although I have a feeling things are getting worse. Any words of advice would be helpful. I have been sitting at home all day for the past couple of days, very scared of these symptoms.....

15-12-08, 21:18
Hi Jamesby
I had something similar and nearly had myself in a wheelchair with worry! I had some muscle twitching in my calf and it was very distressing so I convinced my own doctor to send me for an mri scan which didnt show up anything serious and I still wasent convinced however I realised A Doctor is an expert and I eithere accept his diagnosis or reject it, that was over 3 years ago and although I still have the twitching in my calf it hasent stopped me doing any physical excerise since

Rachel W
16-12-08, 02:57

I would go to http://www.nextination.com/aboutbfs

It is amazing how many symptoms come along with BFS. I have had body-wide twitching for three months now, and I have the feeling of weakness in my hands, ankles and issues with speech and was just cleared by a neuro that specialises in ALS and neuropathies. He was sure I didn't have anything after the clinical exam but did an EMG too (he did it himself which was great).

An MRI does not show ALS, but an EMG would so it is good that you are having it done so that you can relax. Also, I asked the neuro if the EMG could be done too early and he said no.

Try not to worry. The neurologist thinks that my symptoms are from anxiety and even though I am now feeling more like myself mentally, my symptoms are still here as it can take a while for the body to get back to normal.

Take Care and we are here for you.
