View Full Version : My moods scare me :(

15-12-08, 23:46
Hi all,

Does anyone else find that with their anxiety, they have really erratic moods?! Last week was a pretty good week for me, the intrusive thoughts I'd been suffering with seemed to calm down a lot, and I felt much more in control and happy, my mood was much better. The weekend was pretty good too.

Today has just not been a good day. School was really boring. And when I get bored, I get anxious and moody for some reason... I don't like having nothing to do or nothing to think about- mainly because that's when my anxiety takes hold!! But I just felt "out of it" all day, if anyone understands what I mean. Like I was there, but I wasn't engaging properly with anything or anybody and I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying to people. It was horrible:weep:

And then I came home & tried to do some homework, and that didn't go down too well either. My concentration was really low and I just ended up getting so upset & angry. And when I'm like that, I start thinking about all the bad stuff that has happened in the past year... it sounds terrible but it's like self pity.

So I was in a terrible mood, kept crying and feeling really angry and stuff, so I decided to go and have a shower & wsh my hair, and although I was still initially quite upset, after like 5 minutes in the shower, I wasn't even crying anymore and I seemed to feel normal again. And then I felt really freaked out because one minute I'd been ridiculously low and upset, and the next I felt quite calm and collected !!!!! :huh: What the heck is that about?! It creeped me out, I was like "oh my God you're a psycho, you're going mad, you're possessed or something"!! My moods are so erratic, they change from one minute to the next I swear. I feel like such a weirdo right now... :mad: It's just been such an awful day !!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so annoyed because I felt so much better last week & the weekend wasn't bad either, but Mondays always seem to be a bad day for me. :wacko: It's ridiculous, I feel like such a fool.

Sorry, had to rant xxxx

16-12-08, 02:13
Hi, Anzie!

I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Try to concentrate on the good days you've had recently and keep telling yourself you'll have them again.

I can relate to what you are saying though...I'm finding myself more depressed lately. I'm crying all the time (like this morning and I have no idea why) and then bam...I'm feeling pretty much okay. In fact, I told my hubby this morning I felt like I was losing my mind. All these new and weird feelings scare me! I'm sure that hormones have a big hand in this (I'm 47 and preMEANYpausal lol) and I have some natural estrogen stuff I can take but since I have a phobia about pills I haven't taken them yet. And I'm like you, I get so annoyed at feeling good one minute and then a nutcase the next. It makes me mad lol

Hang in there, hon, and like I said, concentrate on and embrace the good days!

Take care,


Diane O'Brien
16-12-08, 07:18
Dear Anzie

I exactly know what you are talking about. My moods are very up and down. As soon as I wake up in the morning, sometimes I just feel doom, tearful, stomach churning for absolute no apparent reason. Your not going mad, its all part of anxiety. You certainly did the right thing though in taking a break from work and doing something else. My concentration levels get seriously affected and your right its so annoying.

Focus on the good days u have and try not to get to anxious on the bad days, let them pass and focus on the time when u had good days.

Take Care and I hope today is a brighter day for you.
