View Full Version : QUESTIONS

16-12-08, 02:02
Hi, everyone...I hope everyone had a great weekend :)

Okay, so I was moving merrily along this morning...doing some chores and then taking short breaks when I felt lack of energy (like always) and during my little breaks I was sitting down and reading the forum. I ran across a post and I can't remember where it was or who wrote it but it was a very disturbing post. I don't want to say who wrote it or what it was about since I don't want that person to feel bad. The poster had a legitimate problem and I felt so bad for them. Anyway, for some reason, a panic attack hit me while reading that particular post. I don't know if what I was reading made me feel panicky or if it was a coincidence that an attack hit me at that time. Whatever the case, I made myself stop reading and I did my breathing and the attack passed quickly enough but it wiped me out. I had to sit still for a good 20 minutes or so and I couldn't make myself go back on the computer. So, my question is this: Can a person get a panic attack from something as simple as reading??? This has been on my mind all day and I want to go find that post to see if it happens again. I know that sounds irrational and I'm not sure how to handle this. I've never had this happen before and really, it seems so trite as I type this out lol

Also I was wondering how many people always feel so tired and ill in the morning? I notice that most of the day I feel so wiped out and fighting that clenching feeling in my stomach and then toward late afternoon I start to feel better. Just something I'm curious about.

I'm still loving this forum! It's truly a Godsend!


thoughts and actions
16-12-08, 14:28
hi lacey

hope u r feeling better now.

In answer to your question i believe that yes you can have a panic attack just by reading something- in my experience it happens.

However, you need to establish the underlying coz or thought/fear that triggered the panic in the first place.

A panic attack is always caused by a fear which in turn causes a physical reation in the body- you must have feared something in the post not necessarly relating it to you but there would ahve been a fear.

My advise is always read the titles of the posts on here- i have emetaphobia (fear of vomit and getting the runs- sorry) and i always ensure i am at home and not work if am going to read a post entitled "tummy bug" or something coz that will trigger my panic

hope this helps


16-12-08, 15:11
Hi hun :D :hugs:

There are many, many people who suffer panic, anxiety who can relate to what you have written, me included. I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site, but I do know how we can read and feel normal emotions to what we are reading BUT then our minds over react to our emontions and CAN, NOT always, cause panic or anxiety.

Hunny, reading the thread you were reading your mind and body responded in the normal way, Mmm, maybe with sadness or other normal emotions, but because you are acute your mind over reacted to these feelings and thought... ohh nooo panic. This can happen and has happened to me many, many times in the past, if it be reading something, seeing something ohhh and many, many other things, Mm the list would be as long as my arm.

I do feel hun, that when your where reading you had normal emontions, BUT, gave these emotions the wrong sighnals and put MORE negative even stronger emotions eg, oh no panic, oh no anxiety, instead of telling yourself its ok to feel ????

I do know, that for me, I had to learn that there are normal emotions that I have always felt, I still get them now, even reading your thread I feel sad inside, I hate to hear people suffering like this, but for me, I know this is normal, or I can read a thread on here and my heart skips a beat. I know what the person is going through and again I can feel normal emotions inside.

What advice I would give you when reading the forums is, you will feel and get some emotions, you can't stop them, there natral to the person you are. You may feel sad, you may even feel a little scared for the person because you know what there going through, but hunny, please, get to know the person you are, how your normal reactions are. KEEP your thoughts in check, you ARE NOT the person you are reading about. YOU ARE YOU and you may NEVER get this panic again regarding reading things.

DON'T put a label on panic, don't say to yourself, oh I can't read things because I may panic, It is sooo hard for me to help you understand that panic comes from within, NOT from what you read, it comes from are thoughts and how we MAY put a strong emotions onto a place a time and ohhhh soooo many different things. Learning to take the strong emotions away from these places, times and other things, is sooo dame hard, it takes alot of hard work, time and the right support.

Panic, anxiety is the most hardest thing I have ever had to learn, but learning about myself was just as hard.

I myself had tierdness for many, many years before panic, high anxiety. I would not say I felt ill at these times, but did not feel right, mine was morning times but would allso get what I called Zaps of thirdness hit me when out, but before panic, the tiredness got sooo bad. I will not go into this with to much detail, may contain triggers, but what I will say is, I had checks done and I was a well person. For me, it took me to hit full blown panic, hence me joining this great site, for me to understand that my tirdness was due to anxiety.

I have come along way since joining this great site, I owe this site alot. I still can get the tiredness but ohhhhh boy, its not even near how it used to be and only comes on when I am under stress, BUT, me knows what it is and how to sort thing out.

It IS dame hard understanding panic, anxiety, I am still in shock, so to speak, just how powefull our minds are and how when acute, our minds can over react to the smallest things.

Hunny, your keep reading, learn all you can about panic, anxiety, get to know your triggers, try and laern WHY they are triggers, learn to change your negative thought pattens to more positive reasuring ones, eg, regarding reading...

I felt sad about what I was reading and my body just over reacted, it WILL NOT happen again, I did great, the panic, passed.

I know for me, how I would deal with this is, just for now, not read the post again, but think about it, what was written in it, try dame hard to pick away at the emotions I felt over the post, if there are negatives thoughts in there, try and but more positive and reasuring thoughts for MYSELF, it its place, try and show myself how I should have reacted regarding reading this post, with normal emotions, after while, if I wanted, and felt I new and understood that is was NOT the post itself that caused me to panic, but ME over reacting to my thoughts and emoitons, then, I would go read it again. This is up to you hun, if you wish to read it again, after all, you know yourself better than anyone, YOU KNOW if you want to read it again, its just a post with another persons who us suffering and crying out for help.

Its hard for me to help you regarding what you read. I have read many, many, many threads on here that have given me, in the past, panic, high levels of anx or an anx symptom, but that was when acute, FOR me, it was my mind over reacting to my normal emotions and putting the what ifs in place or just not understanding that anxiety does not always lead to panic OR not understanding that normal emotions DO NOT lead to anxiety or panic.

Hope this had helped a little, Mmmm, does it even make sense LOL not that good at explaning things LOL.

YOU TAKE care, YOU DID GREAT, letting the panic pass, you should be sooo proud of yourself, :hugs:


16-12-08, 15:44
What i great post jill, Hope you feel better soon Lacey

Take care

16-12-08, 23:42
Jill, awesome post! It made total sense to me so thank you very much.

Thanks to everyone else that replied.

Gosh it's so great to have somewhere to go where other people understand the weird little things I go through lol

Take care all,
