View Full Version : cbt finished

16-12-08, 10:58
hello i have just finished my cbt theropy and all went well but now thwy have stopped i can feel myself slipping back into panic mode any advice please hlp xxxxx

16-12-08, 13:23

CBT was my saviour. Did they teach you breathing and calming techniques? If so, when I feel a panic coming on or etopics I deep breath and concentrate just on my breathing which slows my heart rate downand hence I feel less panicky.

What and when are you panicking? If it something you are going to have to do a hour or a day before try writing down the lead up to it and what you are going to do if you feel panicky and remember what you learnt in CBT.

You will be fine, talk to yourself (this is what I do) with something positive that is going to happen when I am completing a task. Sometimes, it can just be coping with waking up in the morning. Slow your breathing and think of positive factors to get rid of the negative thoughts.


16-12-08, 16:57
Hi Burberry Girl

It's worth going back to your GP to see if you can get some further sessions of CBT or support through the community mental health team if you are struggling.

Regarding coping with panic, I've been watching this programme on Sky where a psychologist helps parents of children with all kinds of problems. One that struck me at the moment is a little girl with an animal phobia, who suffers anxiety and panic.

The psychologist has been using a picture of a traffic light with her to rate her anxiety levels and teaching her to control her breathing by pretending to blow out candles. It was quite clever I thought!

Karen x

20-12-08, 22:23
Hi - I took a CBT course for 12 weeks and found I needed to do it again a few months later. Luckily I was able to do this. CBT takes a lot of practice, but is so worth it. CBT and medication have changed my life. How we "think" is incredibly important. If you can't do the course again, you could do it on your own? The book that was used where I went was "Feeling Good" by David Burns M.D. There is a workbook with it. I've found that I needed to "practice" CBT all the time in the beginning and with time it has become "second nature". I can't say enough good things about CBT!!! Good luck!!! :)